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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: Berty Bonanza

Berty Bonanza

Posted by Jeffrey Lee on 20:03, 4/3/2004 | ,
As promised, here is the list of games (mostly written by Tom 'Berty' Cooper) which we now have permission to distribute as freeware:

  • Cycloids

  • DarkWood

  • Dinosaw

  • FRED

  • Hamsters

  • Raw Power

  • Wavelength

  • Worldscape

Four of these games (Cycloids, DarkWood, FRED and Raw Power) are in our posession and are being prepared for release as I speak. The other four though are lost at sea - so if you have copies yourself, or know of anyone with copies, then please get in touch!
  Berty Bonanza
  (15:32 8/3/2004)
  Guest (20:53 9/3/2004)
    Jeffrey Lee (12:25 10/3/2004)
      Andrew Weston (14:24 10/3/2004)
        Jeffrey Lee (14:48 10/3/2004)
          Guest (16:36 11/3/2004)
            Jeffrey Lee (22:37 11/3/2004)
              Guest (12:30 16/5/2006)
                Guest (23:38 24/8/2006)
Guest Message #87589, posted at 15:32, 8/3/2004
Unregistered user Crikey! Thanks Tom!
How does Worldscape differ from Global Effect?
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Guest Message #87590, posted at 20:53, 9/3/2004, in reply to message #87589
Unregistered user I've just seen the review of Worldscape in Acorn User Jan. 1991 edition. It's an Eclipse game so I'm assuming it was a genre they fancied another crack at and then released Global Effect.
If you could give any detail on the authors and original publishers of the other games that would be useful JL.
I'm assuming that Eclipse and Vti got together to form Argonet which then distributed Eclipse games for a while. I don't know where Imparo comes into it though, never heard of them before this.
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Jeffrey Lee Message #87591, posted at 12:25, 10/3/2004, in reply to message #87590
Unregistered user Jason Tribbeck has explained the whole Eclipse/VTi/Imparo/etc. timeline quite well in the comments for the Ixion post:


From what I can remember, Cycloids, FRED, and Raw Power were all originally Software 42 releases. Dinosaw was sold by Tom directly from his house, while Hamsters was from Gamesware, and Wavelength from Eclipse. I'm not too sure about DarkWood or Worldscape though.

As for authors, I know that Tom Cooper was involved in Cycloids, DarkWood, Dinosaw, Hamsters and Wavelength. If you want more then that then you'll have to wait a few hours till I get home from Uni.

Hopefully Cycloids, DarkWood and FRED will be available to download tonight, but Raw Power may have to wait a bit longer since there seems to be a problem with the high score entry.
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Andrew Weston Message #87592, posted at 14:24, 10/3/2004, in reply to message #87591
Unregistered user Worldscape is Eclipse at mentioned above!!
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Jeffrey Lee Message #87593, posted at 14:48, 10/3/2004, in reply to message #87592
Unregistered user Oh yes, must have missed that ;)
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Guest Message #87594, posted at 16:36, 11/3/2004, in reply to message #87593
Unregistered user Are the rest of these games compatible with StrongARM/RISC OS 4 as Ixion?
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Jeffrey Lee Message #87595, posted at 22:37, 11/3/2004, in reply to message #87594
Unregistered user Apparently Cycloids works on Select, Dark Wood semi-works on RISC OS 4, and FRED works on a Strong ARM (I don't think anyone's tried it on anything else yet).
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Guest Message #87596, posted at 12:30, 16/5/2006, in reply to message #87595
Unregistered user I wrote Raw Power, for my sins :-)

Going to try to download it now - probably have some rusting old 3.5" disks somewhere with it on, but I'm not convinced.

- Duncan Millard

(google me, you'll find my blog if you want to get in touch!)

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Guest Message #87597, posted at 23:38, 24/8/2006, in reply to message #87596
Unregistered user I wrote F.R.E.D. and am surprised to find reference to it on the WWW. I've still got the disks for this and Bobby Blockhead vs The Dark Planet (my what a catchy name). Those were the days eh? Things were so simple (I'm still in software development but "business commercial" is sooo much less fun than games) ;-) If anyone has an experience of running FRED under an Arch emulator on a PC let me know. I can be found at michael<dot>anstis<at>btinternet<dot>com. Anyone remember the days round "Ben" (co-founder of S42) (sorry forgot his surname)? ARMageddon, Brothers in ARM etc... By the way an ARM CPU powers the iPOD.
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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: Berty Bonanza