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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: Burn 'Out available to download

Burn 'Out available to download

Posted by Richard Goodwin on 17:12, 19/10/2001 | ,
Burn 'OutHaven't seen a posting on this one (maybe I've been looking in the wrong places!) but according to AcornSearch the Oregan buggy racer Burn 'Out is available to download from Ian Jeffray's website.

For those of you who can't remember as far back as AUCD 10, Burn 'Out is a buggy racing game similar in style to classics such as E-Type (or Out Run if you're an old skool arcade gamer) in that you control your vehicle viewing it from behind. Where Burn 'Out differs is the roller-coaster style tracks wending their way through woodland, beach and mountain scenery as you drive around an island. You can choose from ten different drivers, five different styles of buggy and if you place in a race you get cash with which to tune up or upgrade your vehicle. You can even change the colour of your car!

The graphics are particularly good in a cutesy, slightly Manga style, which is unsuprising if you've followed Dave Flynn's career, and the game's fun if a little hard. Definitely worth the 2MB download, and there's a HTML manual as well.

Download from: www.jeffray.co.uk/BurnOut
Source: AcornSearch

  Burn 'Out available to download
  (11:19 21/10/2001)
  David McEwen (00:39 25/10/2001)
    Rich Goodwin (09:44 25/10/2001)
      Stryker\'s Mum (11:25 25/10/2001)
        Ian Jeffray (14:54 25/10/2001)
          David McEwen (22:14 25/10/2001)
            stryker\'s Mum (13:47 26/10/2001)
              Geoff Lavallin (02:00 27/10/2001)
Geoff Lavallin Message #86867, posted at 11:19, 21/10/2001
Unregistered user For me on my Mico this game has the same problem as on the Acorn User CD.The pointer on the Burn Out main menu sticks to the top left hand side. Persistent dragging can help me to start the game but selecting player options is hopeless.Is there no patch to cure this? Once running it's a nice game for kids.
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David McEwen Message #86868, posted at 00:39, 25/10/2001, in reply to message #86867
Unregistered user If you are going to comapre Burn 'Out to other games you should compare it to Power Drift. As it is a blatant attempt at a RISC OS remake of the Sega classic that was released way back in 1988. Burn 'Out is a fun game just never manages the brilliance of the Sega game...
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Rich Goodwin Message #86869, posted at 09:44, 25/10/2001, in reply to message #86868
Unregistered user Never played Power Drift, sorry. Never got into the console stuff until the PSX...
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Stryker\'s Mum Message #86870, posted at 11:25, 25/10/2001, in reply to message #86869
Unregistered user Here's to more blatant attempts!!
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Ian Jeffray Message #86871, posted at 14:54, 25/10/2001, in reply to message #86870
Unregistered user Blatent attempt? Hehe. Yes indeedy. We worked from photographs and memories of the arcade game and from the speccy version. This is the sort of detail I planned to put in the "History" section of the website - just not got around to it, yet. It's nice to see you noticed the similarity. :-)
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David McEwen Message #86872, posted at 22:14, 25/10/2001, in reply to message #86871
Unregistered user I play far too many games so its easy to notice similarities ;)
If you have access to a PC you can play the arcade version (although far from perfect) in Final Burn. There's some info (techie stuff) on Power Drift on www.system16.com.
If you're in to doing remakes of Sega classics how about an Afterburner or Thunder Blade one ? :)
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stryker\'s Mum Message #86873, posted at 13:47, 26/10/2001, in reply to message #86872
Unregistered user Yes, that would be good!
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Geoff Lavallin Message #86874, posted at 02:00, 27/10/2001, in reply to message #86873
Unregistered user Running this game on a Mico has now been sorted by the programmer Ian Jeffray.It turned out to be a clash with the RTFM joystick code.Thanks to him for the prompt attention.
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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: Burn 'Out available to download