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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: Cycloids now available

Cycloids now available

Posted by Jeffrey Lee on 23:25, 11/3/2004 | ,
We here at Acorn Arcade are proud to announce the second release from our set of recently acquired games - the one and only Cycloids.

Originally released in 1993 by Software 42, Cycloids features, of all things, a clown on a unicycle as the main character. As can be expected for a clown he is infatuated with diamonds and other treasures, so it is your job to guide him through the weird and wonderful world and help him to fulfil his craving. Things are never as easy as they seem though, since the slightest knock from any of the local flora or fauna will cause our hero to lose his balance and plummet to his doom.

This version has been patched to allow play on machines from RISC OS 2 to Select. Iyonix compatability under the upcoming Aemulor Pro for Cycloids, Ixion, and our other free games is being looked into as I speak.
  Cycloids now available
  (00:26 13/3/2004)
  Jeffrey Lee (22:42 14/3/2004)
    Guest (10:18 19/3/2004)
      Jeffrey Lee (12:00 19/3/2004)
Guest Message #87604, posted at 00:26, 13/3/2004
Unregistered user What about updating Gyrinus 2? I've got a copy of this if you want it to work from?

Gyrinus 2 was a SUPERB little game :o).
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Jeffrey Lee Message #87605, posted at 22:42, 14/3/2004, in reply to message #87604
Unregistered user Gyrinus 2 was free anyway, it works on my RISC OS 3.7 Strong ARM (I'm not sure about OS 4 or later), and can be found here:


We may add it for completeness at some point, but since it's readily available elsewhere there's little motivation to.
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Guest Message #87606, posted at 10:18, 19/3/2004, in reply to message #87605
Unregistered user I was looking through an old Acorn Computing last night and it said that Software 42's sales and marketing was bought by a company called 'Gamesware'. Mentioned Cycloid (or Ixion maybe) and FRED.
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Jeffrey Lee Message #87607, posted at 12:00, 19/3/2004, in reply to message #87606
Unregistered user Yes, I think that's correct. If you haven't seen it yet, then Jason Tribbeck has given some more information on the history of S42/Gamesware/Eclipse/etc here:

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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: Cycloids now available