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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: RISC OS Monopoly updated

RISC OS Monopoly updated

Posted by Tim Fountain on 01:15, 20/7/2001 | ,
Duncan Mortimer has updated his popular freeware version of Monopoly with a load of bugfixes and a few new features. This is planned as the last release of Desktopoly, which I believe was originally written as an A-level project. Duncan has made the source code available in the hope that someone will take over development of the program.

The two main improvements seem to be:

  • Improved compter player AI (especially with regard to property transfer)
  • Support for international maps (so American players can rename what we call "Trafalgar Square" to the more familiar "Illinois Avenue")

There are also numerous bugfixes and cosmetic improvements, such as ownership 'flags' displayed on the board to show who owns each propery. You can download version 2.06 from Duncan Mortimer's website, or right here from Acorn Arcade.

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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: RISC OS Monopoly updated