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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: RiscCPS updated to 1.25

RiscCPS updated to 1.25

Posted by The Doctor on 11:10, 15/10/2001 | ,
Somehow I missed the last updates of RiscCPS which took it to 1.2, to which NeoGeo emulation was added.
This meant that games such as King of Fighters and Wind Jammers are now playable. A total of about 26 NeoGeo roms were supported in this version.

However, this latest release takes it to 1.25 and adds even more goodies, such as:-
  • A super frontend that even a chimp could use!
  • Preliminary System 16/18 support adding the games Shinobi and Shadow Dancer.
  • Improved configuration via an ini style text file.
  • Addition of a FPS (frames per second) counter.
RiscCPS is available from Davids website.
Don't forget to post feedback on this latest release (what you like, don't like, would like to see added, etc..)
  RiscCPS updated to 1.25
  (13:59 15/10/2001)
  Clyde (16:26 15/10/2001)
    Clyde (16:27 15/10/2001)
      Andrew Weston (14:49 16/10/2001)
        David McEwen (15:05 16/10/2001)
          A.Weston (15:12 16/10/2001)
            Lee Johnston (09:22 17/10/2001)
              David McEwen (11:06 17/10/2001)
David McEwen Message #86859, posted at 13:59, 15/10/2001
Unregistered user Thanks for posting the news ;-)

FYI a total of 73 romsets are now officially supported.

I look forward to getting some feedback...
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Clyde Message #86860, posted at 16:26, 15/10/2001, in reply to message #86859
Unregistered user Good news about the font-end :-o
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Clyde Message #86861, posted at 16:27, 15/10/2001, in reply to message #86860
Unregistered user Front-end I mean.
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Andrew Weston Message #86862, posted at 14:49, 16/10/2001, in reply to message #86861
Unregistered user Is there any chance of you converting the F16 flight-sim. (see forum) David as well?

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David McEwen Message #86863, posted at 15:05, 16/10/2001, in reply to message #86862
Unregistered user I assume you mean the one that RCI were/are doing...

If so I haven't spoken to them about it and I know just about the same as you lot wrt the situation with it. It's not really a genre of game I like, but we shall see. I am busy atm and have many many things that I am dealing with. There are a few of games I am looking into - but nothing new on this front will be ready for a while.

RiscCPS is the focus of my free time, mainly coz it is a fun project and I love the games. A good portion of the games playable in it are more recent than the conversions on the platform... says a lot really.

On a different note... all being well network & non SA capable Descent 2 should be available at the forthcoming show.
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A.Weston Message #86864, posted at 15:12, 16/10/2001, in reply to message #86863
Unregistered user Yes, I realise you need to do things you enjoy but I thought I'd ask as you converted Descent 2 which isn't a world away in terms of gameplay I suppose.


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Lee Johnston Message #86865, posted at 09:22, 17/10/2001, in reply to message #86864
Unregistered user Well not so much a world away as an entire star system 8)

Dave - good to hear about non-SA capable Descent 2. I'll certainly be taking a look on the RComp stand to see if they've got it running on any RiscStations.
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David McEwen Message #86866, posted at 11:06, 17/10/2001, in reply to message #86865
Unregistered user It works on non-SA systems... but on what Andrew and I tested it on it wasn't particularly quick. Even with the feature set reduced. This is partially coz this version isn't optimized completely

It is however usable in a multiplayer situation as there is far less going on. It may be better on the faster non-SA systems... but if you want to play it properly you need a StrongARM.
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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: RiscCPS updated to 1.25