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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: Starfighter 3000 has Iyonix in its sights

Starfighter 3000 has Iyonix in its sights

Posted by The Doctor on 14:10, 22/4/2003 | ,
The Starfighter 3000 genius, Christopher Bazley has announced that an Iyonix compatible version of Starfighter 3000 is nearly for release.

In addition to this, Starfighter 3000 can now also be run in a window (I assume therefore it multi-tasks) and appears to have a nice looking WIMP frontend.

There are apparently a few minor bugs to be squashed before a public release, but hopefully these won't take long.

Most importantly Chris has said that this upgrade to 32bit readiness will be free of charge to owners of the iSV Starfighter 3000 CD, which is available from APDL.

It's nice to know that the future of this great game is in good hands.
Visit Christophers website for further information.

  Starfighter 3000 has Iyonix in its sights
  (10:49 23/4/2003)
  The Doctor (21:16 23/4/2003)
    Christopher Bazley (18:23 24/4/2003)
      The Doctor (16:19 25/4/2003)
        Guest (09:12 27/4/2003)
          Guest (06:11 28/4/2003)
            Guest (10:46 28/4/2003)
              The Doctor (13:55 28/4/2003)
                Guest (14:57 28/4/2003)
                  Nathan Walker (00:14 29/4/2003)
                    Guest (10:55 29/4/2003)
                      Nathan (13:05 29/4/2003)
                        The Doctor (19:27 29/4/2003)
                          Guest (05:14 1/5/2003)
                            Christopher Bazley (00:44 8/9/2003)
Guest Message #87525, posted at 10:49, 23/4/2003
Unregistered user Another update, excellent :) Getting an Iyonix is starting to become a necessity now, rather than something I'd just like ;)

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The Doctor Message #87526, posted at 21:16, 23/4/2003, in reply to message #87525
Unregistered user Hopefully there should be another news update to come shortly.
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Christopher Bazley Message #87527, posted at 18:23, 24/4/2003, in reply to message #87526
Unregistered user <pedant>It's Bazley actually</pendant>
... but thanks for the publicity!
Yesterday I found the major bug that had been plaguing me for the last few weeks and had marred the Iyonix demo. :)
It wasn't anything to do with 32-bitness at all, it was a problem introduced when I moved the all sources to ObjAsm.
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The Doctor Message #87528, posted at 16:19, 25/4/2003, in reply to message #87527
Unregistered user Whoops!
Sorry about getting your name wrong Chris.
I can never remember how to spell it and I ment to check it before I posted but somehow forgot. It's fixed now.
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Guest Message #87529, posted at 09:12, 27/4/2003, in reply to message #87528
Unregistered user I just Brought out of their Home in the back of my closet, my A5000 and My R260, annoyed that they havent seen thelight of day in over 5 years I was dissapointed not only to find that the R260's SCSI HDD was screwed, but my Copy of SF3000's disk 1 was corrupt :( Im my opionion it was the best game ever, Well this news is good, For I long for the briliant phisics and controls the game once game me..
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Guest Message #87530, posted at 06:11, 28/4/2003, in reply to message #87529
Unregistered user SCSI HDDs seize up if they've not run run for a while. Usually giving them a quick thump (when the power if off) will get them spinning again.

Michael Foot
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Guest Message #87531, posted at 10:46, 28/4/2003, in reply to message #87530
Unregistered user My SF3000 disc 1 is getting close to failure, I'm sure. The slidey metal bit came off a while ago and it's only a matter of time before a huge crumb gets inside it and breaks the disc /and/ the drive.
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The Doctor Message #87532, posted at 13:55, 28/4/2003, in reply to message #87531
Unregistered user Buy the Starfighter 3000 CD from APDL and it also comes with Sunburst (another great game), Elite and Chocks Away.
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Guest Message #87533, posted at 14:57, 28/4/2003, in reply to message #87532
Unregistered user Sadly the SCSI drive is full of corrupt sectors, I now work as a computer techniction and have tried every trick I know to fix it, Sadly my acorns are dead, When I am rich I will buy one again, I miss them so much.
I would really like SF3000 ported directly to windows, not that crappy one they did ages ago, I have been trying to write my own version of it for ages but I cannot get the phisics Quite right...
of well, we can dream cant we?
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Nathan Walker Message #87534, posted at 00:14, 29/4/2003, in reply to message #87533
Unregistered user If you send your disk 1 to me I'll replace it (I own the RISC OS rights to SF so is legit). If you then buy VirtualAcorn you can play it on your PC. Problem solved.
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Guest Message #87535, posted at 10:55, 29/4/2003, in reply to message #87534
Unregistered user It comes with Chocks Away? I thought it was Air Supremacy. Chocks Away was *excellent*
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Nathan Message #87536, posted at 13:05, 29/4/2003, in reply to message #87535
Unregistered user Chocks Away is owned by 4D. Pretty sure it is Air Supremacy.
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The Doctor Message #87537, posted at 19:27, 29/4/2003, in reply to message #87536
Unregistered user Ahhh. Ahem!
Yes, it's just possible I may have made a mistake there. Whoops!
Air Supremacy it is.
Sorry about that.
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Guest Message #87538, posted at 05:14, 1/5/2003, in reply to message #87537
Unregistered user My Disk 1 is lost, :( If I send you my disk 2 can you send me both 1 and 2 back?
I would be HIGHLY appreciated if you could..
I miss that game (wipes tear out of eye).
E-Mail dark_n_black@yahoo.co.uk
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Christopher Bazley Message #87539, posted at 00:44, 8/9/2003, in reply to message #87538
Unregistered user For the terminally curious I have prematurely put up a list of changes in release 3, at http://starfighter.acornarcade.com/r2changes.html .
Although work continues, the feature list is unlikely to change significantly between now and release.
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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: Starfighter 3000 has Iyonix in its sights