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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: TEK patch released

TEK patch released

Posted by Tim Fountain on 16:16, 25/5/2002 | ,
Artex Software have released a patch for TEK that should fix some of the crashing problems people have been experiencing, and also adds a pause option to the game. The patch is available from Artex' website at http://www.artexsoft.de/tek/. Let us know via. the comments whether it helps or not.
  TEK patch released
  (18:23 25/5/2002)
  Lee Johnston (10:05 27/5/2002)
    Jan Klose (10:28 27/5/2002)
      Guest (10:32 27/5/2002)
        Guest (10:36 27/5/2002)
          Guest (11:12 27/5/2002)
            Jason Togneri (12:39 27/5/2002)
              Guest (16:33 27/5/2002)
                Guest (16:42 27/5/2002)
                  Guest (01:01 28/5/2002)
                    Tim Dodsworth (14:11 30/5/2002)
                      Guest (17:08 31/5/2002)
                        Guest (17:09 1/6/2002)
                          Guest (17:10 1/6/2002)
Jason Togneri Message #87422, posted at 18:23, 25/5/2002
Unregistered user Can't say as it's helped an awful lot... the game still crashes when I build an Atlas when trying to finish the first mission... I must have been one of the first to recieve a copy of the game and, while people are talking about how hard level 10 is, I can't even get past level 1... :( come on Artex!!

~ Jason
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Lee Johnston Message #87423, posted at 10:05, 27/5/2002, in reply to message #87422
Unregistered user It might be worth mailing Artex directly, and include details of your configuration.
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Jan Klose Message #87424, posted at 10:28, 27/5/2002, in reply to message #87423
Unregistered user Hi,

You have to restart the mission (i.e. don't use a game that you have saved within the mission - the saved ones after the mission was completed are working) because the level has to be re-initialised for the patch to work.
If it is *still* crashing then please tell me about it. The problem is that it runs absolutely fine on all our test systems (RISC OS 3.7 and 4.02). What machine are you using? How much memory is installed? And are you running other applications beside TEK?

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Guest Message #87425, posted at 10:32, 27/5/2002, in reply to message #87424
Unregistered user Ive had problems as well. Got to the point i knew when the game was about to crash. With the patch applied things are much better. It still crashes, but so infrequently im not too bothered. I did actually email Jan, hes been very prompt and honest about the problems. Guess we can consider ourselves all playtesters, helping to iron out any remaining bugs. Well at least its not Windoze *Shudder*
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Guest Message #87426, posted at 10:36, 27/5/2002, in reply to message #87425
Unregistered user Hello Jan (You online there?)

As Jan points out making sure nothing else is running when you load TEK has helped a lot.
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Guest Message #87427, posted at 11:12, 27/5/2002, in reply to message #87426
Unregistered user Have had similar problems with TEK, even after applying patch - however, running other sound based apps such as the ESP Midi synthesiser appeared to
be one cause of problems for me. When I don't use this, TEK is okay.

Some detective work looking into sound system comflicts may be one place to look!
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Jason Togneri Message #87428, posted at 12:39, 27/5/2002, in reply to message #87427
Unregistered user I don't think I have any conflicts... sometimes I run TEK straight on startup, and since no other programs have even been loaded, there can be no conflict. Artex already have a copy of my config status (*st.) and I am running RO 3.7, so there shouldn't be a problem. I have so much RAM that it couldn't possibly be a problem, and as far as I recall, 1 Mb VRAM. It still crashes each time I try to produce an Atlas, or try to save the game :(

~ Jason
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Guest Message #87429, posted at 16:33, 27/5/2002, in reply to message #87428
Unregistered user Ive also found that removing some of the extra sound systems seems to improve reliability, however im not 100% sure this the key. Jason, as Jan has mentioned restarting a level seems to be another factor, the saved game may be corrupted. I had a saved game that crashed as soon as a unit was constructed even after the patch, so i restarted the level and all was fine.
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Guest Message #87430, posted at 16:42, 27/5/2002, in reply to message #87429
Unregistered user Can i be the first person to suggest a cheat for TEK? It works on my 1meg Vram Acorn, may not on a 2meg Vram. When you select 1024x768 screen mode, the screen will be very flickery (Slow re-draw i assume) however the land will appear without the "Fog" so you can see everything! You wont be able to see any enemy units, but you can make educated guesses to where the enemy bases are. Its naughty but on some levels it can initially make life a bit easier.
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Guest Message #87431, posted at 01:01, 28/5/2002, in reply to message #87430
Unregistered user Hmmm, can't seem to log in. Anyway.

To the first person, I am not using a corrupt save game, as it even crashes if I try to save! I haven't been able to save yet.

To the second person, that's a good idea, especially since it's so easy to change modes. I'll bear it in mind, if I ever get past level one :|

~ Jason
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Tim Dodsworth Message #87432, posted at 14:11, 30/5/2002, in reply to message #87431
Unregistered user Hi,

When I first installed Tek and started a new game it crashed within 5 seconds on the training mission when I pressed the right button to scroll the screen. The crashes seemed fairly random and I did eventually get to level 3 but it crashed too often to be much fun.

After installing the patch I restarted level 3 and managed to complete it and spent 30 mins on level 4 without a crash so it seems to have improved stability. However last night I loaded my level 4 save and it crashed almost immediately - it was right in the middle of a battle. I tried loading it again but this time no crashes in the 15 mins I played for.

So I think the patch has helped but seemingly random crashes can still happen. Could it be saving a game doesn't save the state exactly right?

I'm using RO4.29 44Mb. Only Director and Memory display loaded prior to running Tek.

Nice game though. I just need to find more time to play it.

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Guest Message #87433, posted at 17:08, 31/5/2002, in reply to message #87432
Unregistered user I think the patch only works if you start a new game. IE, if you've saved a game using the unpatched version, playing that game will still cause it to crash.

Seems very hard to me. Haven't got past the first mission yet! But only been playing for around 10 minutes. :-)
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Guest Message #87434, posted at 17:09, 1/6/2002, in reply to message #87433
Unregistered user I found the patch does seem to do what it says...i especailly like the "Pause" feature. The patch has definitely sorted out my crashing problems.

However, Level 10 is really really really really really really really hard...how are you supposed to destroy 3 ghosts and 5 or 6 Ravens with only 3 ravens and 2 ghosts???

Overall, well done Artex
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Guest Message #87435, posted at 17:10, 1/6/2002, in reply to message #87434
Unregistered user I found the patch does seem to do what it says...i especailly like the "Pause" feature. The patch has definitely sorted out my crashing problems.

However, Level 10 is really really really really really really really hard...how are you supposed to destroy 3 ghosts and 5 or 6 Ravens with only 3 ravens and 2 ghosts???

Overall, well done Artex!
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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: TEK patch released