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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: TEK update

TEK update

Posted by Tim Fountain on 13:27, 3/7/2001 | ,
TEK screenshotArtex Software have released a new screenshot showing off some of TEK's features that you would have seen at the Wakefield show. The blocky darker areas on the image represent the edge of the area that the currently selected units can see - anywhere out of view is covered by "the fog of war". The picture also shows a new unit and a new explosion effect.

The version at Wakefield was a little prone to crashing, but apparently most of these bugs have now been fixed. Artex are currently working on a one-level demo of the game, it is not clear whether this will be released before, after or at the same time as the full version. As for the full game itself, latest word from Artex is "pretty soon".

  TEK update
  (07:08 4/7/2001)
  Chris (18:28 4/7/2001)
    Chris Bazley (18:33 4/7/2001)
      Chris Bazley (18:35 4/7/2001)
        Max Palmer (19:43 4/7/2001)
          Max Palmer (19:45 4/7/2001)
            Andrew Weston (10:36 5/7/2001)
              Steve Allen (16:15 5/7/2001)
                Max Palmer (20:58 5/7/2001)
                  Andrew Weston (12:31 8/7/2001)
                    Jan Klose (09:00 9/7/2001)
                      Jan Klose (09:02 9/7/2001)
                        Andrew Weston (09:08 10/7/2001)
Alex Macfarlane Smith Message #86973, posted at 07:08, 4/7/2001
Unregistered user Well it's looking pretty cool... although I notice that the energy bars are red rather than green and that they seem to be underneath the units - having played C&C quite a lot this might be a bit confusing ;)
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Chris Message #86974, posted at 18:28, 4/7/2001, in reply to message #86973
Unregistered user Hearty congratulations to everyone involved in the graphics for TEK, and also those responsible for the decision to dela
y so that a polished product can be released...
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Chris Bazley Message #86975, posted at 18:33, 4/7/2001, in reply to message #86974
Unregistered user Hearty congratulations to everyone involved in the graphics for TEK, and also those responsible for the decision to dela
y so that a polished product can be released...
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Chris Bazley Message #86976, posted at 18:35, 4/7/2001, in reply to message #86975
Unregistered user W.R.T. cock-up above, I blame Webster XL... ;-)
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Max Palmer Message #86977, posted at 19:43, 4/7/2001, in reply to message #86976
Unregistered user Thanks ! (For both sets of comments). BTW there still quite a lot of stuff that hasn't yet appeared in any of the screen shots ;-)

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Max Palmer Message #86978, posted at 19:45, 4/7/2001, in reply to message #86977
Unregistered user I can only blame myself for the missing words.

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Andrew Weston Message #86979, posted at 10:36, 5/7/2001, in reply to message #86978
Unregistered user More s/shots please!
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Steve Allen Message #86980, posted at 16:15, 5/7/2001, in reply to message #86979
Unregistered user I like the fog o' war that still lets you see the contour of the land... nice explosion too :)
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Max Palmer Message #86981, posted at 20:58, 5/7/2001, in reply to message #86980
Unregistered user <quote> I like the fog o' war that still lets you see the contour of the land... nice explosion too :) </quote>

Ah yes, the explosion - it's a product of all that was discussed in the A.A. forum.

As to the extra screenshots - you'll have to talk to Jan about that.


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Andrew Weston Message #86982, posted at 12:31, 8/7/2001, in reply to message #86981
Unregistered user More screenshots please Jan!
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Jan Klose Message #86983, posted at 09:00, 9/7/2001, in reply to message #86982
Unregistered user Hi,
righ now we're the final levels. As soon as this is finished, more screenshots will follow, promised :-)

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Jan Klose Message #86984, posted at 09:02, 9/7/2001, in reply to message #86983
Unregistered user "we're the final levels" = "we're creating the final levels" :-)
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Andrew Weston Message #86985, posted at 09:08, 10/7/2001, in reply to message #86984
Unregistered user Look foward to them.
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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: TEK update