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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: RISCOS Ltd.'s new scheme

RISCOS Ltd.'s new scheme

Posted by Richard Goodwin on 13:26, 18/5/2001 | , , ,
RISCOS Ltd. have announced a new scheme to enable access to more RISC OS 4 updates. However, you won't be able to talk to them about it at the show, because they won't be there - which, having read the full press release, might be a good thing.

The official reason that RISCOS Ltd. decided not to attend this year is that they have "cut back on our presence at exhibitions, since many programmers are happier working in isolation, rather than trying to help users directly with their queries". So no access to the programmers - contractors rather than staffers, which "has been interpreted by some people as 'RISCOS Ltd has NO programmers' which is luckily not the case". Let's hope this does allow ROL to "make the best use of those peoples' skills".

The main thrust of the press release (which I've uploaded to our site, as it contains more information than the version on the ROL site), was the news of RISC OS Select, a subscription-based scheme where for an extra £100 pounds a year you get access to three update CDs - updated RISC OS 4 ROM images plus early access to beta stuff. Access to RISC OS 4 updates - RISC OS 4.5, which will continue to be 26bit - will also entitle you to documents on the website previously only available to registered developers.

And what about developers? The cost of being a registered developer is set to go up - £500 per six months. This entitles you to "direct contact with the RISC OS Development team"; access to documentation will, as previously mentioned, be available to all RISC OS Select members.

RISC OS 5, the 32bit version of the OS required for access to more modern processors, seems to have been put on the back burner. "[T]he amount of work needed to convert major areas of RISC OS such as the kernel and ADFS will take many man months of work to complete and until we get sufficient commitment from our customers, that work will not be undertaken.". So what of the future? "[I]t appears that the availability of 26 bit processors will continue for longer than was expected.". This doesn't, however, address the problem of getting access to processors faster than 200-odd Mhz that we have had to endure for so long.

The quest for continuous revenue streams seem a little Microsoft for my taste, and time will tell if it succeeds or not. But without any commitment to a 32bit RISC OS it looks like we won't be getting access to any new processors any time soon.

  RISCOS Ltd.'s new scheme
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Nathan Message #88594, posted at 23:14, 14/6/2001, in reply to message #88593
Unregistered user I am strongly thinking of a way to do this and get listened to. Thankfully I have some good contacts and am making use of them. ROL should be a helpful company offering a bright future rather than a free blackmailing service. It should provide clear and precise information at source and they should work with developers but work independently and not tied to other companies possibly besides Pace.

I should then wish to take control of the world and you will all be my leaders. Thus the domination of Mars will start and I will conquer planet by planet.....

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Andrew Weston Message #88595, posted at 10:16, 15/6/2001, in reply to message #88594
Unregistered user Just avoid Phoebus. There's a madman down there you know!
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Nathan Message #88596, posted at 12:24, 15/6/2001, in reply to message #88595
Unregistered user Don't worry, Triax is nothing compared to ROL.
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alexander Message #88597, posted at 21:06, 18/6/2001, in reply to message #88596
Unregistered user It almost seems like history repeating itself.
Acorn refused to listen to it's customers, and now
perhaps it seems we have ROL doing much the same thing.Better to start work on the 32 bit than not
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Andrew Weston Message #88598, posted at 14:53, 27/6/2001, in reply to message #88597
Unregistered user I wish RO would just pressure PACE incessantly for greater cooperation and access to their code, and put forward the needs of the RO community more strongly perhaps.
A greater sense of urgency in their mission might be useful?
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Nathan Message #88599, posted at 23:15, 27/6/2001, in reply to message #88598
Unregistered user I think you are beginning to see the root problem. Do ROL *care* for our market or do they only care for cash. It would follow that since they don't appear to do much that they are in it for the cash. We need an enthusiast with business acumen to do the job, to be seen to work with Pace on getting RO out there. We are just sitting on a sponge in water.
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Andrew Weston Message #88600, posted at 10:35, 28/6/2001, in reply to message #88599
Unregistered user Interestingly, Steve Turnbull also said that only by constant badgering can we promote RO and get things done by the companies. This surely must apply to RO Ltd as well in their dealing with PACE.
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Stuart Halliday Message #88601, posted at 10:00, 31/7/2001, in reply to message #88600
Unregistered user As far as I can see. Why should RISCOS ltd duplicate work that Pace has done?

It's well known that Pace have a 32bit version of RISC OS. We just don't have any machines around that can run a pure 32bit Operating System.

The Omega machine is a very good half-way house in that it can run both 26bit code and 32bit code. So developers can easily create a 32bit program if they need to.

No doubt once Pace are ready to offially announce and license RISC OS 32 to RISCOS ltd or any another company then we'll see 32bit machines being sold running RISC OS 32.

Please, everyone. Don't believe half the scare mongering you read on the newsgroups.
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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: RISCOS Ltd.'s new scheme