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Acorn Arcade forums: Site Comments: Google Ads?
  Google Ads?
  filecore (11:06 11/6/2007)
  Phlamethrower (11:12 11/6/2007)
    chiller2 (22:32 13/6/2007)
      andypoole (23:29 13/6/2007)
        rich (23:55 13/6/2007)
Jason Togneri Message #102845, posted by filecore at 11:06, 11/6/2007

Posts: 3867
Where and when and how did these ugly monstrosities appear to blight the lines of TIB's header? Crybaby
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Jeffrey Lee Message #102847, posted by Phlamethrower at 11:12, 11/6/2007, in reply to message #102845
PhlamethrowerHot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot stuff

Posts: 15100
At the top-right of each page.

... and when
About 3 and a half months ago.

... and how
By Rich typing some extra code into the page header.

Any more questions? smile

Oh, and they don't appear in NetSurf, due to use of Javascript. You've only got yourself to blame if you're seeing them! wink
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Kelv Message #102895, posted by chiller2 at 22:32, 13/6/2007, in reply to message #102847
Posts: 9
Questions? Yes! Are they actually making you any money?
"Be the change you want to see in the world"
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Andrew Poole Message #102899, posted by andypoole at 23:29, 13/6/2007, in reply to message #102895
Mouse enthusiast

Posts: 5558
Questions? Yes! Are they actually making you any money?
Thats a sekret.. maybe.. unless Rich actually wants to tell peoples smile
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Richard Goodwin Message #102900, posted by rich at 23:55, 13/6/2007, in reply to message #102899
Dictator for life
Posts: 6828
Yes, I'm going to take the money and run away to South America any time now.

They only pay you when you get to $100, and it takes over half that *per* *month* to host this server (not including things like renewing domain names). Needless to say, neither target has been reached yet.

Of course, on a technical site, everyone's probably using ad blocking. I know I do. However, I thought it might be an interesting experiment, and even an article.
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Acorn Arcade forums: Site Comments: Google Ads?