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Acorn Arcade forums: Site Comments: Site stats
  Site stats
  tlsa (16:18 21/12/2007)
  andypoole (17:02 21/12/2007)
  rich (19:15 24/12/2007)
Michael Drake Message #105772, posted by tlsa at 16:18, 21/12/2007

Posts: 1097
What is the reporting period for the web site stats?


That kind of thing is useful and interesting if it's for the last 14 days or something. But if it's for all time, it doesn't show current activity very clearly.
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Andrew Poole Message #105773, posted by andypoole at 17:02, 21/12/2007, in reply to message #105772
Mouse enthusiast

Posts: 5558
What is the reporting period for the web site stats?


That kind of thing is useful and interesting if it's for the last 14 days or something. But if it's for all time, it doesn't show current activity very clearly.
It'd be interesting if it was for all time, since NetSurf has more hits than any other RISC OS browser in that graph...
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Richard Goodwin Message #105794, posted by rich at 19:15, 24/12/2007, in reply to message #105772
Dictator for life
Posts: 6828
Pretty sure most of them are for all time (other than countries), because I don't think there's been 5-8 million hits in the past week or three. Although with all files (including images) it's not impossible I guess. I can't remember what it's counting - files or pages.

I just knocked this up a couple of years ago to
a) play with SVG (which is then converted to PNG - see here for the original)
b) write a quick procedure to read log files.

Oh, and
c) keep me sane in a boring-ass job.

As the log reader checks to see if the log file has got bigger since it last run, and then starts reading from where it left off, it was easy enough to just ignore the old data if the log file suddenly got smaller (i.e. had been rotated). So, it was ever so slightly more interesting to try and retain the old data when the log was rotated.

It's not meant as a serious analysis of the traffic on the site (just as we didn't want to release raw poll data initially - it's basically bollocks), and would probably need constant work to do things like figure out the difference between a bot, an RSS feed reader and a web browser.

So don't 'phone, it's just for fun.
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Acorn Arcade forums: Site Comments: Site stats