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Acorn Arcade forums: Site Comments: Mailing Lists Page
  Mailing Lists Page
  VincceH (14:02 20/7/2009)
  rich (17:08 20/7/2009)
    VincceH (14:04 21/7/2009)
VinceH Message #110614, posted by VincceH at 14:02, 20/7/2009
Lowering the tone since the dawn of time

Posts: 1600
A comment on the Archive mailing list led to a page on the riscos.info wiki, which in turn led me to this page on iconbar.com (and .co.uk) :


Two points:

Firstly, the page is clearly b0rken.

Secondly, the information is out of date.

Might it not be better if the information were put on a page on riscos.info, so that it can be maintained by anyone with an account on there, and the page removed from this site - perhaps with a redirect in place?
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Richard Goodwin Message #110616, posted by rich at 17:08, 20/7/2009, in reply to message #110614
Dictator for life
Posts: 6828
The whole comms section - and indeed other sections such as sounds - are broken, they're including the wrong headers. /hardware, on the other hand, redirects to a news posting, so I'm not sure if it's worth fixing the comms section, or looking for a news posting that takes its place and fixing a redirect to that instead.
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VinceH Message #110623, posted by VincceH at 14:04, 21/7/2009, in reply to message #110616
Lowering the tone since the dawn of time

Posts: 1600
Ah... presumably the breakage happened way back when Iconbar and AcornArcade were redesigned and merged. I vaguely recall something along the lines of old pages needing to be updated to point to news articles being mentioned before now.

The problem with that approach though is that pages like the mailing list one contain a continually changing list of resources. Or a list of continually changing resources. Or something.

Redirecting the section to a news posting means potentially losing any resources on individual pages in that section - which may or may not matter in some cases. Redirecting the page to a news posting, if one is found (or posted) with a round up of RISC OS mailing lists means just pointing it to a snapshot at any given date - eg if a 'roundup' of RISC OS related mailing lists were done today and that published as a news item; next week/month/year and it's only of historical interest or, at best, a rough guide to what lists might still be around.

For some things, that's great - comparitive reviews of currently available hardware/software of a given type/whatever - but not for that sort of resource, IMO.

That's why I suggested moving the information onto the riscos.info wiki - I think it's a better and more logical approach to publishing a list of resources of this nature. I'm happy to do it myself (if I can remember my login details) - but it was worth pointing out the problem with the page first, just in case you wanted to do anything else about it first/in preference. (As Steve Fryatt has said on the Archive mailing list, to avoid stepping on toes).

Incidentally, Steve's also pointed out that the 'Contact Us' link at the bottom of the site's pages is also broken. I've a nagging voice telling me this has come up before, but I can't see any obvious mention.
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Acorn Arcade forums: Site Comments: Mailing Lists Page