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Acorn Arcade forums: Site Comments: Form keys to prevent multiple posts from the same form?
  Form keys to prevent multiple posts from the same form?
  bhtooefr (23:08 13/9/2009)
  tribbles (23:47 13/9/2009)
  filecore (06:38 14/9/2009)
    rich (11:02 21/10/2009)
      filecore (11:39 26/10/2009)
  rich (08:27 21/10/2009)
Eric Rucker Message #111353, posted by bhtooefr at 23:08, 13/9/2009
Posts: 337
Something I noticed, forms don't expire on this forum, so you can accidentally resubmit a post that you submitted already, among other things.

Could that be fixed?
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Jason Tribbeck Message #111355, posted by tribbles at 23:47, 13/9/2009, in reply to message #111353
Captain Helix

Posts: 929
Remove the backspace and F5 keys from your keyboard?

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Jason Togneri Message #111359, posted by filecore at 06:38, 14/9/2009, in reply to message #111353

Posts: 3867
Just pretend you're doing it for additional emphasis? Like typing in ALL CAPS.

What I'd really like to see, for those of us who Tab - Enter to post a message, is to NOT have the "Logout" button suddenly move into the first position after the text box on the edit screen.

Post -> tab -> enter -> view
Edit -> tab -> enter -> logout

It's annoying.
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Richard Goodwin Message #111678, posted by rich at 08:27, 21/10/2009, in reply to message #111353
Dictator for life
Posts: 6828
Something I noticed, forms don't expire on this forum, so you can accidentally resubmit a post that you submitted already, among other things.

Could that be fixed?
No. Just stop hammering the submit button.
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Richard Goodwin Message #111681, posted by rich at 11:02, 21/10/2009, in reply to message #111359
Dictator for life
Posts: 6828
for those of us who Tab - Enter to post a message
Plural? Really?

is to NOT have the "Logout" button suddenly move into the first position after the text box on the edit screen.

Post -> tab -> enter -> view
Edit -> tab -> enter -> logout

It's annoying.
There's this thing called a "mouse" that's been making great strides in the computing industry in recent years... wink

I can see that it makes sense for some people to see who they're logged in as, and that having a logout option next to your account reminder is the most logical place. However, as you then have to scroll down to gain access to the posting controls, I can't see that there's much to gain from removing it. You'd still have to scroll to get to the text entry box.
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Jason Togneri Message #111702, posted by filecore at 11:39, 26/10/2009, in reply to message #111681

Posts: 3867
for those of us who Tab - Enter to post a message
Plural? Really?
Maybe we should have a poll Sniff
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Acorn Arcade forums: Site Comments: Form keys to prevent multiple posts from the same form?