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Acorn Arcade forums: Programming: BasCrunch (and similar) decrunchers
  BasCrunch (and similar) decrunchers
  nodoid (09:33 21/7/2010)
  flibble (09:38 21/7/2010)
    CJE (14:40 23/7/2013)
      flibble (16:49 24/7/2013)
        CJE (11:54 4/10/2013)
          nunfetishist (12:55 4/10/2013)
          flibble (17:27 5/10/2013)
            MEmerton (09:06 6/10/2013)
              Lampi (16:28 19/10/2013)
  Gulli (12:16 21/7/2010)
    nodoid (12:28 21/7/2010)
      Gulli (09:33 22/7/2010)
Paul Johnson Message #114852, posted by nodoid at 09:33, 21/7/2010
Posts: 69

Does anyone know of a way to decrunch crunched BASIC programmes? I can do a simple search and replace, but when the application is huge, this is prone to going wrong.

If there is a simple way, great. If not, I think some code may have to go west and just die...
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Peter Howkins Message #114853, posted by flibble at 09:38, 21/7/2010, in reply to message #114852

Posts: 891
Somewhere I've got a couple of programs that would help with this. Automatically turn SWI numbers back into names and then another that tried to insert newlines back into the source, and indent blocks.

Now if only I could remember where they were ...
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Gunnlaugur Jonsson Message #114855, posted by Gulli at 12:16, 21/7/2010, in reply to message #114852
Posts: 138
Not exactly the best way but surely you can use search/replace to get quite far? At least the code would stand a little better chance of surviving.
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Paul Johnson Message #114856, posted by nodoid at 12:28, 21/7/2010, in reply to message #114855
Posts: 69
Not exactly the best way but surely you can use search/replace to get quite far? At least the code would stand a little better chance of surviving.
You can, but then munged names start causing muchos problems...
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Gunnlaugur Jonsson Message #114861, posted by Gulli at 09:33, 22/7/2010, in reply to message #114856
Posts: 138
You can, but then munged names start causing muchos problems...
True, didn't quite think it that far smile
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Chris Evans Message #122499, posted by CJE at 14:40, 23/7/2013, in reply to message #114853
CJE Micros chap
Posts: 228
Somewhere I've got a couple of programs that would help with this. Automatically turn SWI numbers back into names and then another that tried to insert newlines back into the source, and indent blocks.

Now if only I could remember where they were ...
Did you ever find your decruncher, we have a need of one!
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Peter Howkins Message #122507, posted by flibble at 16:49, 24/7/2013, in reply to message #122499

Posts: 891
Somewhere I've got a couple of programs that would help with this. Automatically turn SWI numbers back into names and then another that tried to insert newlines back into the source, and indent blocks.

Now if only I could remember where they were ...
Did you ever find your decruncher, we have a need of one!
It might be on one of the machines 120 miles away, I'm afraid unhappy
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Chris Evans Message #122677, posted by CJE at 11:54, 4/10/2013, in reply to message #122507
CJE Micros chap
Posts: 228
Peter: Have you managed to lay your hands on it yet?

Or anyone else have one to hand?

We've just been asked to update a Crunched program. Whilst the update is minor I'd like to make our changes properly.
I also recall that some crunched programs can't be edited in some of the normal ways due to line length quirks. Anyone recall how it can be done without a decruncher?
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Rob Kendrick Message #122678, posted by nunfetishist at 12:55, 4/10/2013, in reply to message #122677
Today's phish is trout a la creme.

Posts: 522
With Zap (not StrongED or Edit), and with care. Zap edits BASIC files directly without a detokenize/retokenize step that can damage crunched programs due to ambiguities.
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Peter Howkins Message #122679, posted by flibble at 17:27, 5/10/2013, in reply to message #122677

Posts: 891
Peter: Have you managed to lay your hands on it yet?
I think it's probably lost to the mists of time.
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Michael Emerton Message #122680, posted by MEmerton at 09:06, 6/10/2013, in reply to message #122679
Posts: 75
Is there a 32 Bit Cruncher for BASIC?
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James Lampard Message #122718, posted by Lampi at 16:28, 19/10/2013, in reply to message #122680

Posts: 190
Is there a 32 Bit Cruncher for BASIC?
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Acorn Arcade forums: Programming: BasCrunch (and similar) decrunchers