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Acorn Arcade forums: Test posts: New mail test
  New mail test
  monkeyson2 (00:52 26/1/2011)
  monkeyson2 (00:53 26/1/2011)
    monkeyson2 (00:56 26/1/2011)
      monkeyson2 (01:32 26/1/2011)
        monkeyson2 (01:34 26/1/2011)
          filecore (08:30 26/1/2011)
            monkeyson2 (23:30 26/1/2011)
              filecore (01:01 27/1/2011)
              Stoppers (07:30 27/1/2011)
                filecore (08:20 27/1/2011)
                  rich (10:16 27/1/2011)
                    filecore (11:38 27/1/2011)
Phil Mellor Message #116325, posted by monkeyson2 at 00:52, 26/1/2011
monkeyson2Please don't let them make me be a monkey butler

Posts: 12380
Does the icon show when there's new mail?
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Phil Mellor Message #116326, posted by monkeyson2 at 00:53, 26/1/2011, in reply to message #116325
monkeyson2Please don't let them make me be a monkey butler

Posts: 12380
When I say "mail" I of course mean "posts".
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Phil Mellor Message #116327, posted by monkeyson2 at 00:56, 26/1/2011, in reply to message #116326
monkeyson2Please don't let them make me be a monkey butler

Posts: 12380
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Phil Mellor Message #116329, posted by monkeyson2 at 01:32, 26/1/2011, in reply to message #116327
monkeyson2Please don't let them make me be a monkey butler

Posts: 12380
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Phil Mellor Message #116330, posted by monkeyson2 at 01:34, 26/1/2011, in reply to message #116329
monkeyson2Please don't let them make me be a monkey butler

Posts: 12380
And again!
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Jason Togneri Message #116332, posted by filecore at 08:30, 26/1/2011, in reply to message #116330

Posts: 3867
What? Where?
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Phil Mellor Message #116349, posted by monkeyson2 at 23:30, 26/1/2011, in reply to message #116332
monkeyson2Please don't let them make me be a monkey butler

Posts: 12380
What? Where?
You should see an envelope next to forums (on the forum home page) and threads (on the forum listing pages) which have new posts.
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Jason Togneri Message #116350, posted by filecore at 01:01, 27/1/2011, in reply to message #116349

Posts: 3867
I get a few "no comments". It seems that "Games" and "Site Comments" haven't been posted to since last year! laugh
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Simon Willcocks Message #116352, posted by Stoppers at 07:30, 27/1/2011, in reply to message #116349
Posts: 302
What? Where?
You should see an envelope next to forums (on the forum home page) and threads (on the forum listing pages) which have new posts.
I just use the very useful "Recent discussions" list on the side; things take about a week to fall of the bottom.
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Jason Togneri Message #116353, posted by filecore at 08:20, 27/1/2011, in reply to message #116352

Posts: 3867
A combination of that and the RSS feed is my usual preference, however I do have a link in my browser to the Playpen, just in case RSS isn't reporting (as it often doesn't).
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Richard Goodwin Message #116355, posted by rich at 10:16, 27/1/2011, in reply to message #116353
Dictator for life
Posts: 6828
A combination of that and the RSS feed is my usual preference, however I do have a link in my browser to the Playpen, just in case RSS isn't reporting (as it often doesn't).
The RSS feed is generated by a "re-skinned" version of the same code that does the rest of the site, so it should. However, it has a rate limiter on it after someone nearly took down the site with a broken feed reader.
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Jason Togneri Message #116358, posted by filecore at 11:38, 27/1/2011, in reply to message #116355

Posts: 3867
Well I just use the generic RSS wotsit built into Firefox, but I often get "Live bookmark feed failed to load" for TIB, and almost never for any other site that I've bookmarked an RSS feed.
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Acorn Arcade forums: Test posts: New mail test