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Acorn Arcade forums: Site Comments: OK...
  swirlythingy (23:06 14/7/2011)
  apacketofsweets (02:33 15/7/2011)
  andypoole (08:31 15/7/2011)
    swirlythingy (13:14 15/7/2011)
      andypoole (13:22 15/7/2011)
        swirlythingy (00:18 16/7/2011)
  trevj (10:05 15/7/2011)
Martin Bazley Message #118307, posted by swirlythingy at 23:06, 14/7/2011

Posts: 460
...exactly how long has this existed?

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Sion Message #118310, posted by apacketofsweets at 02:33, 15/7/2011, in reply to message #118307
RISC OS, too cool for Javascript.

Posts: 110
Not long enough.
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Andrew Poole Message #118313, posted by andypoole at 08:31, 15/7/2011, in reply to message #118307
Mouse enthusiast

Posts: 5558
...exactly how long has this existed?

<insert standard comment about using "search">


About 9 years.
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Trevor Johnson Message #118315, posted by trevj at 10:05, 15/7/2011, in reply to message #118307
Posts: 660
...exactly how long has this existed?
7 years, 2 months, 21 days (at least).
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Martin Bazley Message #118316, posted by swirlythingy at 13:14, 15/7/2011, in reply to message #118313

Posts: 460
<insert standard comment about using "search">
<insert standard comment about utter shitness of "search" function>
That thread says it doesn't work. I think you'll find it does.
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Andrew Poole Message #118317, posted by andypoole at 13:22, 15/7/2011, in reply to message #118316
Mouse enthusiast

Posts: 5558
<insert standard comment about using "search">
<insert standard comment about utter shitness of "search" function>
Well it worked for me...

That thread says it doesn't work. I think you'll find it does.
Because it was posted to that thread as a joke, and Rich created the subdomain to make it actually work. The longer version you mention in this thread was created a couple of years later, but that's where the joke started.
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Martin Bazley Message #118324, posted by swirlythingy at 00:18, 16/7/2011, in reply to message #118317

Posts: 460
That thread says it doesn't work. I think you'll find it does.
Because it was posted to that thread as a joke, and Rich created the subdomain to make it actually work. The longer version you mention in this thread was created a couple of years later, but that's where the joke started.
And three years after that...
It doesn't work unhappy
Can't get much clearer than that!

So it's definitely been updated within the last four years or so...
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Acorn Arcade forums: Site Comments: OK...