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Acorn Arcade forums: Games: RailPro
  twarner (12:21 29/3/2012)
  swirlythingy (14:03 29/3/2012)
    filecore (14:10 29/3/2012)
      ilcook (19:22 29/3/2012)
        filecore (07:06 30/3/2012)
          twarner (11:50 31/3/2012)
            apacketofsweets (13:08 31/3/2012)
              twarner (11:37 2/4/2012)
                filecore (18:32 2/4/2012)
                  twarner (10:30 3/4/2012)
                    twarner (11:49 9/4/2012)
                      andypoole (14:05 9/4/2012)
                        twarner (11:26 11/4/2012)
Terry Warner Message #119896, posted by twarner at 12:21, 29/3/2012
Posts: 17
Is there anyone out there still interested in RailPro.
I've been trying to locate Alasdair Baily who was, it seems, the guardian of track maps but can now find no mention of contact details any more.
I've just produced a new trackmap but can not find any way to publish it to the old arcade lists.
Anyone got any ideas please?


[Edited by twarner at 12:22, 29/3/2012]
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Martin Bazley Message #119897, posted by swirlythingy at 14:03, 29/3/2012, in reply to message #119896

Posts: 460
How about http://levels.acornarcade.com/ ? tongue
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Jason Togneri Message #119899, posted by filecore at 14:10, 29/3/2012, in reply to message #119897

Posts: 3867
How about http://levels.acornarcade.com/ ? tongue
Quite. But, in honest-to-god traditional RISC OS website style:

Launching February 1st 2008
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Ian Cook Message #119905, posted by ilcook at 19:22, 29/3/2012, in reply to message #119899
trainResident idiot
Posts: 1075
How about http://levels.acornarcade.com/ ? tongue
Quite. But, in honest-to-god traditional RISC OS website style:

Launching February 1st 2008
You mean like http://hauntedhouse.acornarcade.com Devil
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Jason Togneri Message #119906, posted by filecore at 07:06, 30/3/2012, in reply to message #119905

Posts: 3867
As I said, it's a long-standing tradition. On the plus side, I only promised that in late 2010, so I'm not even running that far behind at the moment big grin
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Terry Warner Message #119920, posted by twarner at 11:50, 31/3/2012, in reply to message #119906
Posts: 17
So no real suggestions then?

I've tried the email address on the 'levels' site. Let's see if I get an answer. The launch date changes every time it's selected; really helpful!!

No ideas on Alasdair Baily?


[Edited by twarner at 11:52, 31/3/2012]
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Sion Message #119921, posted by apacketofsweets at 13:08, 31/3/2012, in reply to message #119920
RISC OS, too cool for Javascript.

Posts: 110
Terry, if you were to send me your track (sion [at] riscosblog.co.uk) I'd be more than willing to host your level(s) on The RISC OS Blog, be it with a subdomain or something.
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Terry Warner Message #119936, posted by twarner at 11:37, 2/4/2012, in reply to message #119921
Posts: 17
Thanks Sion but what I'm trying to do is to get it added to the specific page, http://www.acornarcade.com/forums/viewthread.php?newsid=1018 for RailPro Trackmaps.

As you will see, it was initiated by Alasdair Baily which is why I'm trying to find a way to contact him to be able to add my new layout to the list.

[Edited by twarner at 11:38, 2/4/2012]

[Edited by twarner at 11:41, 2/4/2012]
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Jason Togneri Message #119938, posted by filecore at 18:32, 2/4/2012, in reply to message #119936

Posts: 3867
Oh, is that all? In that case, just email Rich and ask him to add it. Shouldn't be a problem.
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Terry Warner Message #119939, posted by twarner at 10:30, 3/4/2012, in reply to message #119938
Posts: 17
Thanks Jason. Will do!

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Terry Warner Message #120016, posted by twarner at 11:49, 9/4/2012, in reply to message #119939
Posts: 17
Well, tried that but, so far, no reply forthcoming.

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Andrew Poole Message #120019, posted by andypoole at 14:05, 9/4/2012, in reply to message #120016
Mouse enthusiast

Posts: 5558
Well, tried that but, so far, no reply forthcoming.

If you send them over to me (andrew [at] andrewpoole [dot] org [dot] uk), I can upload them to that page for you.
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Terry Warner Message #120056, posted by twarner at 11:26, 11/4/2012, in reply to message #120019
Posts: 17
Thanks Andrew, will do after a couple of amendments.

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Acorn Arcade forums: Games: RailPro