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Acorn Arcade forums: The Playpen: Full building emergency light test
  Full building emergency light test
  trevj (11:08 12/7/2013)
  trevj (15:33 19/7/2013)
Trevor Johnson Message #122476, posted by trevj at 11:08, 12/7/2013
Posts: 660
Moan, moan, grumble...

If you were an employer planning/consenting to the above, would you opt for 6pm barely 3 weeks after midsummer's day? I guess there may be a very good reason but TBH I'm not inclined to ask, as rescheduling at this late hour would probably be costly anyway. It's due to take 3 hours so will still be light when they've finished!
Pre-Warning of Contractors on Site, 15th July 13

On Monday from 1800hrs, a full building Emergency Light Test will take place ...
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Trevor Johnson Message #122488, posted by trevj at 15:33, 19/7/2013, in reply to message #122476
Posts: 660
Continuation of Emergency Light Testing

The Contractor was unable to complete all the work required on Monday,
and is now due back on site this evening from 1800hrs.
...at which time there will still be daylight aplenty.

Edit: And I'm now informed that they couldn't do both blocks at once anyway, which is why it's taking longer. Fair enough.

[Edited by trevj at 15:38, 19/7/2013]
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Acorn Arcade forums: The Playpen: Full building emergency light test