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Acorn Arcade forums: Games: David Braben's "waving flag" Union Jack demo.
  David Braben's "waving flag" Union Jack demo.
  RoryM (12:45 1/11/2013)
  sirbod (13:38 1/11/2013)
    RoryM (13:49 1/11/2013)
  RobC (22:20 1/11/2013)
  qUE (12:38 2/11/2013)
RoryM Message #122751, posted by RoryM at 12:45, 1/11/2013
Posts: 8
Hi all.

Does anyone have any information on David Braben's Union Jack demo for the Archimedes? Better still, an ADF containing said flag demo.

Hours of research has resulted in a dead end. All I've managed to find out so far is that the demo is named !Flag and that it's 60K in size. But no ADF.

Any help would be very much appreciated.
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Jon Abbott Message #122753, posted by sirbod at 13:38, 1/11/2013, in reply to message #122751
Posts: 563
I'm sure I have it somewhere, I'll have a search and let you know.

EDIT: It's been posted on your stardot thread by someone else.

[Edited by sirbod at 06:18, 2/11/2013]
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RoryM Message #122754, posted by RoryM at 13:49, 1/11/2013, in reply to message #122753
Posts: 8
That's fantastic news, Jon! I'll cross my fingers and hope you find it. Thanks a lot for looking for me.
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Robert Coleman Message #122755, posted by RobC at 22:20, 1/11/2013, in reply to message #122751
Posts: 9
I think it's on Arcade BBS but is listed as !jack.
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qUE Message #122756, posted by qUE at 12:38, 2/11/2013, in reply to message #122751

Posts: 187

It's in Classics.
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Acorn Arcade forums: Games: David Braben's "waving flag" Union Jack demo.