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Acorn Arcade forums: Games: Elite Gold edition
  Elite Gold edition
  sirbod (10:37 15/11/2013)
  filecore (17:56 15/11/2013)
    sirbod (09:05 16/11/2013)
    Sundagger (21:37 30/10/2014)
      sirbod (18:19 31/10/2014)
Jon Abbott Message #122787, posted by sirbod at 10:37, 15/11/2013
Posts: 563
Quite a few copies of this have sold on eBay this year, I don't suppose anyone here purchased any of these, that would be willing to scan the addition material..ship cards, trading pad etc
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Jason Togneri Message #122790, posted by filecore at 17:56, 15/11/2013, in reply to message #122787

Posts: 3867
I've had a copy since the year dot, I suppose I could scan stuff. The ship cards are already online somewhere though, but those copies are over ten years old, I guess they might not be the resolution you're after?

(For example, http://www.frontierastro.co.uk/Elite/arch/ArcCards.jpg from http://www.frontierastro.co.uk/Elite/arc.html)
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Jon Abbott Message #122791, posted by sirbod at 09:05, 16/11/2013, in reply to message #122790
Posts: 563
I'm sure I asked you very nicely a good year back wink

We need 600dpi scans. The bits missing off the top of my head, which are the differences from the normal version, are:

Outer cover of the white manual
Ship cards
Trading log book
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Roland Powell Message #123417, posted by Sundagger at 21:37, 30/10/2014, in reply to message #122790
Posts: 1
I have a Gold edition of Arc Elite also if anything is still needed; would like to be running a copy on the Raspberry Pi at some stage but the version of ADFFS on filecore is 2.09... haven't been able to find any version above that outside of Jon's site which is currently down unhappy...

Anyway, I have an A5000 which I last had running with ArcElite a few years back, hoping it still boots without too much hassle (like the age related cmos battery meltdown problem which has killed many an Archie mainboard)...

Heads up to anyone... especially Jon and Jason

I will soon possibly be needing both the Gold Edition and the A5000 for this:


Pledge if you can... it is a worthy project
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Jon Abbott Message #123418, posted by sirbod at 18:19, 31/10/2014, in reply to message #123417
Posts: 563
I have a Gold edition of Arc Elite also if anything is still needed
I'm still looking for the bits I listed above, if you could scan them.
would like to be running a copy on the Raspberry Pi at some stage but the version of ADFFS on filecore is 2.09... haven't been able to find any version above that outside of Jon's site which is currently down unhappy...
Still down I'm afraid, likely to be next year before I can get it back up due to work commitments.

I will soon possibly be needing both the Gold Edition and the A5000 for this:

The history of Elite is a very touchy subject, it will be interesting to see how the book details the facts without incurring legal issues.
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Acorn Arcade forums: Games: Elite Gold edition