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Acorn Arcade forums: General: New A3000 !
  New A3000 !
  Steve101 (17:12 24/2/2014)
  apdl (18:28 24/2/2014)
    Steve101 (18:39 24/2/2014)
      richw (19:59 24/2/2014)
        Steve101 (20:09 24/2/2014)
        CJE (11:51 25/2/2014)
          Steve101 (15:44 25/2/2014)
            qUE (20:34 25/2/2014)
              apdl (08:25 26/2/2014)
                Steve101 (22:31 27/2/2014)
                  Steve101 (17:23 2/3/2014)
                    CJE (11:50 3/3/2014)
                      Steve101 (20:49 3/3/2014)
                        andymarks (22:16 3/3/2014)
                          Steve101 (06:29 5/3/2014)
                          maximo (16:35 23/3/2014)
                        CJE (11:55 4/3/2014)
          Steve101 (15:47 25/2/2014)
Steve Slater Message #123050, posted by Steve101 at 17:12, 24/2/2014
Posts: 23
Hi there,

I'm new to the forum and have just taken my first steps into the wonderful world of Acorn computers by buying a new (to me!) A3000.

It doesn't look like its ever set foot in a school and I managed to get it with a monitor, mouse and what looks like a small hard drive in a metal enclosure to plug into the back of it (not sure exactly what this is/does!?).

It boots up ok and the mouse works fine however the keyboard is a bit dodgy.

I've spent a good while browsing the forums and checked the battery first off in case this had leaked and affected the keyboard connections but all seems fine (though I'm going to get the battery replaced with an alternative next week).

I'd be grateful for any suggestions on the keyboard issue - maybe just needs the membrane cleaned but its a bit curious:

The keypad to the right hand side works fine but the rest of the keys are acting a bit strange. Pressing 'q' displays '[11]',
'w' displays '[17]'
'e' displays '[05]'
Number key '1' displays '[01]'
Number key '2' displays '[00]'
Number key '8' appears to be backspace

So on and so forth. . . . .

I'm looking forward to getting it working and getting hold of some software for it but would be grateful for any thoughts on the keyboard issue.

Many thanks,

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David Holden Message #123052, posted by apdl at 18:28, 24/2/2014, in reply to message #123050
Posts: 138
The keypad to the right hand side works fine but the rest of the keys are acting a bit strange.
Pressing 'q' displays '[11]',
'w' displays '[17]'
'e' displays '[05]'
I assume you mean this is what you see when you press these keys in Edit?

These are the numbers, in hex, that are returned if you press these keys with CTRL held down, so the obvious first place to look is make sure a CTRL key isn't stuck.
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Steve Slater Message #123053, posted by Steve101 at 18:39, 24/2/2014, in reply to message #123052
Posts: 23
Thanks David,

Yes, this is what is showing up in Edit. I'll have a look at it. Control isn't pressed down but not sure if it might be something to do with the keyboard membrane. I did take the keyboard apart and clean it up as per the restoration recommendations but it doesn't seem to have sorted it.


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Richard Walker Message #123055, posted by richw at 19:59, 24/2/2014, in reply to message #123053
Posts: 73
Try bashing the CTRL key hard - I find that helps!

The hard drive is probably an external SCSI unit. Does it have a name attached? You may have an internal SCSI minipodule, or an external SCSI podule. It is possible that it is an IDE setup, but they generally didn't use external drives (I made my own back-in-the-day, and found a couple of feet of cable to be fine!).
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Steve Slater Message #123056, posted by Steve101 at 20:09, 24/2/2014, in reply to message #123055
Posts: 23
Thanks Richard, I'll try hitting it a bit harder and see if its stuck! Not sure what the expansion is but I'll check it out a bit closer.
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Chris Evans Message #123060, posted by CJE at 11:51, 25/2/2014, in reply to message #123055
CJE Micros chap
Posts: 228
Try bashing the CTRL key hard - I find that helps!
Holding the key down and trying to move the key up,down or in circles often helps for keys not working i.e. not 'making'. It may help fix always 'made'

Worst case we have some NEW A3000 keyboards on special offerbig smile
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Steve Slater Message #123063, posted by Steve101 at 15:44, 25/2/2014, in reply to message #123060
Posts: 23
Hi, thanks for the responses. I've tried 'manipulating' and (lightly) bashing the control keys but to no avail. smile

Posted some photos here:


The last one shows what its displaying on the screen. (Second last pic is of the expansion box connector thing that came with it).

I've got it booked in to get the battery changed out at the weekend and they're also going to look at the keyboard for me.

Will let you know whether I get it sorted.


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Steve Slater Message #123064, posted by Steve101 at 15:47, 25/2/2014, in reply to message #123060
Posts: 23
Worst case we have some NEW A3000 keyboards on special offersmile
Might take you up on that Chris if I can't get mine working.
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qUE Message #123068, posted by qUE at 20:34, 25/2/2014, in reply to message #123063

Posts: 187
Hi, if you're confident to open the case, I recommend pulling the keyboard ribbon from the connection, give it a clean and re-seat it. These keyboards are rock hard in my personal experience so I'd be surprised if it was a switch gone. Whilst you're at it make sure the battery hasn't leaked, depending on how it's stored it can erode the keyboard/mouse and cmos circuits unhappy
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David Holden Message #123070, posted by apdl at 08:25, 26/2/2014, in reply to message #123068
Posts: 138
It's unusual for a key to fail on these keyboards. Keys do stick (which is why I suggested it) but that's pretty obvious and they can usually be freed.

I've got a pile of A3020 keyboards which are identical and you could have one of these for the cost of P&P.
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Steve Slater Message #123085, posted by Steve101 at 22:31, 27/2/2014, in reply to message #123070
Posts: 23
It's unusual for a key to fail on these keyboards. Keys do stick (which is why I suggested it) but that's pretty obvious and they can usually be freed.

I've got a pile of A3020 keyboards which are identical and you could have one of these for the cost of P&P.
Thanks David, I'll see whether its an easy fix and if not I'll give you a shout.


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Steve Slater Message #123093, posted by Steve101 at 17:23, 2/3/2014, in reply to message #123085
Posts: 23
Hi guys,

Just got my A3000 back from Tynemouth computers (only dropped it off yesterday!). They've replaced the soldered in Varta(?) battery with a removable CR2032 and also fixed the keyboard - did just need a clean apparently.

So its all up and running now smile

Just need to get some software for it!


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Chris Evans Message #123102, posted by CJE at 11:50, 3/3/2014, in reply to message #123093
CJE Micros chap
Posts: 228
Hi guys,
Just got my A3000 back from Tynemouth computers (only dropped it off yesterday!). They've replaced the soldered in Varta(?) battery with a removable CR2032...
So its all up and running now smile
Whilst I believe it is possible to buy rechargeable CR2032's they are very rare. If they have fitted a standard (non rechargeable) CR2032 it will discharge in a few months is not weeks.
Unlike most PC's Acorns from A3000 onwards used rechargeable batteries and provide the appropriate charging circuitry.
Trying to recharge a non rechargeable battery can have serious consequences a quick google gave me "Best case, it will leak ..... worst case, it will explode like a firecracker. Either way, you'll ruin the charger."
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Steve Slater Message #123105, posted by Steve101 at 20:49, 3/3/2014, in reply to message #123102
Posts: 23
Hi guys,
Just got my A3000 back from Tynemouth computers (only dropped it off yesterday!). They've replaced the soldered in Varta(?) battery with a removable CR2032...
So its all up and running now smile
Whilst I believe it is possible to buy rechargeable CR2032's they are very rare. If they have fitted a standard (non rechargeable) CR2032 it will discharge in a few months is not weeks.
Unlike most PC's Acorns from A3000 onwards used rechargeable batteries and provide the appropriate charging circuitry.
Trying to recharge a non rechargeable battery can have serious consequences a quick google gave me "Best case, it will leak ..... worst case, it will explode like a firecracker. Either way, you'll ruin the charger."
Thanks for the info / warning Chris. The rechargeable function has been removed by installing a diode apparently (beyond my knowledge) so should avoid the explosion risk! I can live with the 2032 discharging if it saves the risk of leaking. Is this going to cause me other problems day to day?
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Andy Marks Message #123106, posted by andymarks at 22:16, 3/3/2014, in reply to message #123105
Posts: 5
Is that the Tynemouth Computers just outside Chesterfield? If it is, I've just dug a computer out of the loft that you can have, gratis, if you fancy upgrading your "new" A3000 to a "newly rediscovered" RiscPC 700 (subject to testing it to make sure it still works!). big smile

I'm only just down the road...

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Chris Evans Message #123108, posted by CJE at 11:55, 4/3/2014, in reply to message #123105
CJE Micros chap
Posts: 228

Thanks for the info / warning Chris. The rechargeable function has been removed by installing a diode apparently
Glad to hear about the diode. The problem I think you will have is that the clock chip in an A3000 according to the data sheets draws (in battery mode) more than 10 times the power that later design like our Pi RTC module do, which uses a CR1620. Back of an envelope calculations gives you two to three years.

We have managed to get some more A3000 type horizontal batteries:http://www.cjemicros.co.uk/micros/individual/newprodpages/prodinfo.php?prodcode=VAR-BATPCBH

We also can now do a suitable standard battery in a holder:http://www.cjemicros.co.uk/micros/individual/newprodpages/prodinfo.php?prodcode=4D-REMBATTAAA

And if the clock circuitry is damaged:http://www.cjemicros.co.uk/micros/individual/newprodpages/prodinfo.php?prodcode=CJE-RTCMPOD

[Edited by CJE at 11:59, 4/3/2014]

[Edited by CJE at 17:09, 4/3/2014]
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Steve Slater Message #123109, posted by Steve101 at 06:29, 5/3/2014, in reply to message #123106
Posts: 23
Is that the Tynemouth Computers just outside Chesterfield? If it is, I've just dug a computer out of the loft that you can have, gratis, if you fancy upgrading your "new" A3000 to a "newly rediscovered" RiscPC 700 (subject to testing it to make sure it still works!). smile

I'm only just down the road...

wow thanks Andy, but my Tynemouth is the one just east of Newcastle. very generous offer though.
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mike de luca Message #123160, posted by maximo at 16:35, 23/3/2014, in reply to message #123106
Posts: 1
Is that the Tynemouth Computers just outside Chesterfield? If it is, I've just dug a computer out of the loft that you can have, gratis, if you fancy upgrading your "new" A3000 to a "newly rediscovered" RiscPC 700 (subject to testing it to make sure it still works!). smile

I'm only just down the road...

Hey Andy I'm not far away from chesterfield if you're still selling that machine?
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Acorn Arcade forums: General: New A3000 !