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Acorn Arcade forums: General: iiyama Vision Master Pro 514
  iiyama Vision Master Pro 514
  arenaman (09:30 18/3/2014)
  arawnsley (10:28 18/3/2014)
    arenaman (13:12 18/3/2014)
      deadmalc (19:11 19/3/2014)
        arenaman (19:49 19/3/2014)
          arawnsley (10:17 20/3/2014)
            arenaman (19:55 21/3/2014)
Michael Stubbs Message #123130, posted by arenaman at 09:30, 18/3/2014
Posts: 114
Hi all. I am trying to source a properly-working iiyama Vision Master Pro 514 22" monitor. These are the CRT ones. I get bad eyes and bad headaches from the new flatscreen LCD thingies, so it seems my only choice is to go back to CRT. Does anyone know any good shops that might stock such a used item? Or anyone have one for sale?
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Andrew Rawnsley Message #123131, posted by arawnsley at 10:28, 18/3/2014, in reply to message #123130
R-Comp chap
Posts: 595
Hi Michael. Not to be argumentative, but in theory the LCD tech *should* be much easier on eyes/migranes than the old CRT "optical illusion" approach. I actually did the opposite of you - kicked out all the CRTs very early because I had severe eye and headache issues for many years.

Have you gone back and tried the old CRTs to ensure that they do improve things? Also, have you tried 120hz LCDs, or alternatively some of the better pro LCD monitors with better panels and/or not so excessive backlighting?

Might also be worth looking at whatever lighting you use in your computer environment too. I find that keeping a medium ambient light level helps a lot, and avoiding certain kinds of lighting/bulb types.

Sadly the only CRTs we have are AKF85 Philips 17" ones, and they're so geometrically distorted now, they're probably tip-worthy unhappy I think there may be a 15" Sony too, capable of 100hz etc, but I haven't used any of them in about 15 yr. However, if you *did* want any, they're probably give-awayable.
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Michael Stubbs Message #123132, posted by arenaman at 13:12, 18/3/2014, in reply to message #123131
Posts: 114
Hello. Thanks about the old CRTs. Might get back to you on the Sony...

I never had eyestrain issues with CRTs, although going back to one now to try is hard due to their scarcity. The only LCD panels that are OK on my eyes are the Apple ones, but they only make the 1000 quid one now. I find the Apple displays to be excellent and if one is going on Ebay I can't help but wonder what is wrong. On the other hand, it is natural to upgrade a 15 year old CRT for an LCD.

I have a brand new LG colour-calibrated thing here, was about £150. It's sizzling my brain and I have it on 5% brightness, 5% contrast.

I think the thing with the Apples is they are glossy. This Dell laptop I am using right now is also glossy and is not too bad. I assume that the glossy coating helps reduce glare in some way...

I can't justify splashing out hundreds and hundreds on a display panel at the moment, hence I started looking at the old stuff.

Do you have any recommendations regarding panels?

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Malcolm Hussain-Gambles Message #123139, posted by deadmalc at 19:11, 19/3/2014, in reply to message #123132
Posts: 9
It's really worth spending the money on a PRO monitor, especially if you use it a lot.
However there are three things you can do to combat eye problems.
The first is the contrast in the room. You should have similar lighting in the room to the brightness of the monitor - too much or too little will cause strain.

The second is eye exercises, stretch your arm out and extend your finger. Then focus on your finger, then on a distant object.
Repeat this for a few minutes.
This is supposed to strengthen your eye muscles. It is vital that you don't have your finger too close, otherwise you will strain your eyes!

Finally every hour at a computer you should get up and spend 5 minutes away from it.
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Michael Stubbs Message #123140, posted by arenaman at 19:49, 19/3/2014, in reply to message #123139
Posts: 114
Yeah, but it does depend on finances at the time! When I have that sort of expandable money, I'm almost certainly going for an Apple Cinema Display. Or, should I say, the Apple Cinema Display, since they have decided 27" is the only size anyone would want these days.

Good point about the exercises. Too easy to forgot to that.
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Andrew Rawnsley Message #123146, posted by arawnsley at 10:17, 20/3/2014, in reply to message #123140
R-Comp chap
Posts: 595
Curiously, glossy is usually *not* desirable because it creates a lot of unwanted reflections, hence most non-Apple pro moniors are matt. Indeed, if buying a custom-laptop (ie. choice of panel), matt screens tend to be an "upgrade" price-wise at the high end!

Truthfully, a lot will depend on the screen and the lighting, but equally, your eyes/health are what counts, and goodness only knows that we're not all made the same!

Stupid comment - the LG should have a backlight control independant of bightness/contrast. Bright/contrast merely control black/white levels, whilst backlight controls how "bright" (ugh!) the panel appears (light output). I am more familiar with their TV/monitors, but I think they're very similar. The backlight wants to be about 5-6 (on a 1-10 scale) if you're finding things harsh, and maybe even lower.

Usually for a correct (ish) picture, brightness in the 48-52 range and contrast aroun 85%. Sharpness down at about 5-10%. Their monitors should have correct black levels out of the box, but again watch that as you'll want a "high" black level, to avoid black crush, esp if it's a TV/monitor.

[Edited by arawnsley at 10:20, 20/3/2014]
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Michael Stubbs Message #123155, posted by arenaman at 19:55, 21/3/2014, in reply to message #123146
Posts: 114
Interesting comment about independent adjustment of the backlight. That sounds like it would do the trick, but I cannot find any such adjustment.

Incidentally, it is an LG 23EA63. I like the display and colours are accurate, but the danged blazing brightness of it is an issue.
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Acorn Arcade forums: General: iiyama Vision Master Pro 514