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Acorn Arcade forums: Programming: Document Liberation Project
  Document Liberation Project
  davidb (11:40 3/4/2014)
  Gavin (11:30 13/4/2014)
    nunfetishist (12:21 15/4/2014)
    davidb (16:08 21/4/2014)
David Boddie Message #123178, posted by davidb at 11:40, 3/4/2014
Posts: 147
I was made aware of this project today:


It might be nice to have support for some of the RISC OS formats in LibreOffice. I started work on a tool to convert TechWriter documents to OpenOffice (as it was) documents some time ago:


It would also be good to be able to read other formats in LibreOffice, too. Anyone up for it?
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Gavin Wraith Message #123184, posted by Gavin at 11:30, 13/4/2014, in reply to message #123178
Posts: 31
Some years back I emailed Martin Wuerthner about 'liberating' TechWriter documents to a readable textual format. He pointed out that this might tie his hands when it came to developping TW further. A pity. The big advantage of textual format (i.e. position-independent semantics) for documents is that they become more easily scriptable.
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Rob Kendrick Message #123187, posted by nunfetishist at 12:21, 15/4/2014, in reply to message #123184
Today's phish is trout a la creme.

Posts: 522
Some years back I emailed Martin Wuerthner about 'liberating' TechWriter documents to a readable textual format. He pointed out that this might tie his hands when it came to developping TW further. A pity. The big advantage of textual format (i.e. position-independent semantics) for documents is that they become more easily scriptable.
This sounds like why we have extensible file formats.
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David Boddie Message #123203, posted by davidb at 16:08, 21/4/2014, in reply to message #123184
Posts: 147
There is a way to dump a textual version of TechWriter documents in recent versions but it still requires a bit of work to understand. Someone sent me a dump of a file which probably helped explain some things about the format.

However, I expect the text dumps wouldn't help much with scripting because you would probably have to find a way to construct a binary document file from the modified text. In my experience, applications that rely on low-level formats like these are very sensitive to incorrectly encoded files, so you have to get everything just right and there still may be things that aren't included in the text dump.
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Acorn Arcade forums: Programming: Document Liberation Project