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Acorn Arcade forums: General: ACE Risc Blaster Sound Podule
  ACE Risc Blaster Sound Podule
  Raziel69 (11:14 1/5/2014)
  arawnsley (11:09 4/5/2014)
    apdl (15:19 4/5/2014)
      Raziel69 (15:44 4/5/2014)
      Raziel69 (12:50 17/5/2014)
Martin Mahoney Message #123231, posted by Raziel69 at 11:14, 1/5/2014
Posts: 5
I have recently managed to obtain an ACE Risc_Blaster Podule for my Strongarm risc PC.

Installation was fine and the card was reported on Slot 1 and all the *commands were available.

The audio out (10pin) was plugged into LK13 on the Motherboard and corresponding header to the Risc-Blaster card as well as the CD audio cable out.

The problem now is that I have no audio output from the card!!

I have no software or manual with the card so I am wondering if there is a soft load option or the equivalent of a 'Driver' as in Windoze? The card is not unplugged and the Risc pc is aware that it is plugged in as it gives the version, manufacture data etc.

I was wondering if anyone would have a manual or any info of software that may be needed to enable the card to output. I am quite willing to pay for commercial software or the cost of scanning a manual. An internet search yields very little information about these cards, but I am sure there must be someone out there who has some knowledge about them.

As to hardware, I have access to a series 1 and 3 motherboard and all O.S Roms from 3.5 to 5.2 (legally owned, can provide pictures if needed) (although OS 5.2 is 32bit) so am able to trial the card on a number of different setups.

I would be grateful of any info or help with this elusive card and am sorry if the topic is outdated as I am sure there are more modern soundcards available.



Note: I have tried the card on both the 8 bit audio and 16 bit audio boards but there was still no output, so my thinking would be a software issue more than the hardware, ie. the computer is aware of the hardware but doesn't have the software to run it? But what do I know!!
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Andrew Rawnsley Message #123232, posted by arawnsley at 11:09, 4/5/2014, in reply to message #123231
R-Comp chap
Posts: 595
Sadly these cards are extremely rare, as despite ACE generating a fair bit of publicity at shows, actual hardware was extremely hard to come by for many of their products.

You've done well to lay your hands on one, to be honest.

As I recall, it needs a software program to configure its settings. However, I don't know how it would become the default audio source, as RISC OS was fairly hard-wired to the motherboard audio.

My guess would be it has an API for 3rd pary apps to take advantage of (but probably never used), and a MIDI module or something to allow MIDI I/O.

Then, there will be a sample player (possibly as an example of the API) to allow you to play back WAV files (etc) via the card. This app may also include a sampler, as I'd imagine that would have been a key feature of the card.

I recall it having a mixer program for adjusting input/output levels, too.

I tried to get a review board at the time - the guy was very keen to promote his product, and I had a VTX2000 (Kurzweil synth/MIDI card from Jason Tribbeck), and Audio Dynamics Powerwave which would have made good points of reference. However, actual hardware never materialised, despite promises unhappy

So, I'm excited to hear that hardware exists, but I dread to think whether anyone has the software. It might be worth contacting some of the German RISC OS users, as obviously the card came from the German scene, and some folks may know what's what.
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David Holden Message #123233, posted by apdl at 15:19, 4/5/2014, in reply to message #123232
Posts: 138
Sadly these cards are extremely rare, as despite ACE generating a fair bit of publicity at shows, actual hardware was extremely hard to come by for many of their products.

You've done well to lay your hands on one, to be honest.

As I recall, it needs a software program to configure its settings. However, I don't know how it would become the default audio source, as RISC OS was fairly hard-wired to the motherboard audio.
I was actually UK distributor for this card for the short time it existed. I didn't have anything to do with the marketing, just distributing the product in the UK.

However I do still have the disc which went with the card so if you contact me privately I'll let you have a copy.
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Martin Mahoney Message #123234, posted by Raziel69 at 15:44, 4/5/2014, in reply to message #123233
Posts: 5
Thanks for your reply David, I would be grateful for the disc as I am all out of options at the moment. I still have the 'German' avenue to go down as I know that ACE was based there, but I am really up against it which is a shame as I would really like to get somewhere with this card and hopefully in understanding it, it may be beneficial to other users in the long term. I am new to the forums so I don't know how to contact you privately, but I see that you are under 'apdl' so I presume that you work for, or are part of that group. I recently purchased a network card from there, so if you want me to contact you via the website then let me know (or how to contact you privately.) As I said, I am willing to pay for any software/manuals that may benefit me in getting this card running.
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Martin Mahoney Message #123244, posted by Raziel69 at 12:50, 17/5/2014, in reply to message #123233
Posts: 5

However I do still have the disc which went with the card so if you contact me privately I'll let you have a copy.
Hi David. Still trying to get hold of you, would really like to get hold of anything for the card as still can't resolve the output issues.
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Acorn Arcade forums: General: ACE Risc Blaster Sound Podule