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Acorn Arcade forums: General: Risc PC 700 schematics
  Risc PC 700 schematics
  PaulV (22:29 14/5/2014)
Paul Vernon Message #123243, posted by PaulV at 22:29, 14/5/2014
Posts: 135
Hi all,

Apologies for the double post on here and Stardot but I'm in need of some help locating the schematics for the later revision 16-bit sound enabled Risc PC motherboard.

I've got a Risc PC 700 with VIDC timing errors on POST and that part of the PCB design is wildly different to the earlier motherboards and related schematics which are widely available on the Internet.

If anyone has the later schematics and is willing to scan in the area related to the VCO, Reference clock and VIDC20 chip, I'd be most grateful.

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Acorn Arcade forums: General: Risc PC 700 schematics