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Acorn Arcade forums: Games: Pesky Muskrats crash
  Pesky Muskrats crash
  sirbod (17:51 13/7/2014)
Jon Abbott Message #123289, posted by sirbod at 17:51, 13/7/2014
Posts: 563
I've noticed this game tries to write to the hardware vectors, which I'm certain is a bug.

Any idea what the first part of this code is supposed to do? Going by the PRM, it's reading the 3rd byte of the Winchester size, but I'm fairly certain it's meant to read something else:

MOV R0, #&A1
MOV R1, #&BF
ADR R1,&8F14
STR R2,[R2,#1]
STR R2,[R2,#2]

MOV R0,#&15
MOV R0,#&100
SWI XExS_MusicFade
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Acorn Arcade forums: Games: Pesky Muskrats crash