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Acorn Arcade forums: The Playpen: Perhaps you'd
  Perhaps you'd
  adrianl (01:27 11/11/2014)
  VincceH (09:14 11/11/2014)
    Phlamethrower (19:45 11/11/2014)
      adrianl (12:22 12/11/2014)
Adrian Lees Message #123424, posted by adrianl at 01:27, 11/11/2014
Posts: 1637
..Like actually to watch the movie you just bought and sat down to watch.
..Want to purchase only your chosen item and not be bothered with other 'similar' items
..Strangely have no desire to tell the world, or even your friends, that you purchased/enjoy this product/movie, whatever, because why should that matter?

.. others?
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VinceH Message #123425, posted by VincceH at 09:14, 11/11/2014, in reply to message #123424
Lowering the tone since the dawn of time

Posts: 1600
...rather not have your friends see that you've popped in to the local sleazy massage parlour. I mean, um, er... Angel

Yes, you aren't alone in finding the constant nagging to make every damned thing you do 'social' incredibly annoying. wink
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Jeffrey Lee Message #123426, posted by Phlamethrower at 19:45, 11/11/2014, in reply to message #123425
PhlamethrowerHot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot stuff

Posts: 15100
I thought this was going to end up being a reference to the spoof anti-piracy warning in the IT Crowd.

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Adrian Lees Message #123427, posted by adrianl at 12:22, 12/11/2014, in reply to message #123426
Posts: 1637
I thought this was going to end up being a reference to the spoof anti-piracy warning in the IT Crowd.

I guess it has wink
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Acorn Arcade forums: The Playpen: Perhaps you'd