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Acorn Arcade forums: Games: Acorn-Gaming.org.uk
  apacketofsweets (12:13 5/6/2015)
  Gulli (13:04 6/6/2015)
    sa_scott (10:46 9/7/2015)
      DrGareth (00:10 6/5/2016)
        DrGareth (02:13 6/5/2016)
          richcheng (14:12 10/10/2017)
            tribbles (17:40 10/10/2017)
              tribbles (17:41 10/10/2017)
                richcheng (10:34 11/10/2017)
Sion Message #123659, posted by apacketofsweets at 12:13, 5/6/2015
RISC OS, too cool for Javascript.

Posts: 110
Acorn-gaming.org.uk seems to have been down for a while now. Am I right in thinking the site now falls under the wing of One Point Nought?

Any idea if it will be ressurected at some point if so?
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Gunnlaugur Jonsson Message #123660, posted by Gulli at 13:04, 6/6/2015, in reply to message #123659
Posts: 138
I don't think Acorn-gaming was ever under One Point Nought, Gareth Moore owned and ran the site for many years, shame to see it's disappeared.
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Stephen Scott Message #123688, posted by sa_scott at 10:46, 9/7/2015, in reply to message #123660
Posts: 73
I don't think Acorn-gaming was ever under One Point Nought, Gareth Moore owned and ran the site for many years, shame to see it's disappeared.
In the meantime, we'll have to make do with the Wayback Machine. Here's the last archived copy, from February 2015:

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Gareth Moore Message #123824, posted by DrGareth at 00:10, 6/5/2016, in reply to message #123688
Posts: 2
No, Richard does host it, as you can see at http://onepointnought.com// . I only just noticed it had vanished - so far as I knew it was still online. Shows I haven't looked at it for almost a year - shame on me!

Presumably the DNS changed but I didn't know. I will update the DNS to point at the IP address of Acorn Arcade and hopefully it will reappear.

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Gareth Moore Message #123825, posted by DrGareth at 02:13, 6/5/2016, in reply to message #123824
Posts: 2
That worked - it's back online now! smile
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richard cheng Message #124178, posted by richcheng at 14:12, 10/10/2017, in reply to message #123825

Posts: 655
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Jason Tribbeck Message #124180, posted by tribbles at 17:40, 10/10/2017, in reply to message #124178
Captain Helix

Posts: 929
Actually, I host it (Richard uses my services smile )

Unfortunately, my router was playing up and the one the ISP sent me didn't work correctly, so I had to make some hardware to keep the old router stable while I worked out a solution (initially a simple timer that just restarted it every hour for 10 hours, and then a USB controlled switch). I can go on a bit about the symptoms, but it's a bit boring smile

At times, his (and my) websites weren't working, and my apologies for that.

A new router has now got it working again.
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Jason Tribbeck Message #124181, posted by tribbles at 17:41, 10/10/2017, in reply to message #124180
Captain Helix

Posts: 929
Just realised that the previous thread was last year; what I was talking about was last week smile
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richard cheng Message #124182, posted by richcheng at 10:34, 11/10/2017, in reply to message #124181

Posts: 655
Yeah that was my fault for resurrecting the thread. Sorry!

(Also, I'd say "welcome back" but it's not like I'm here much more often than you are. But still: hello again smile)
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Acorn Arcade forums: Games: Acorn-Gaming.org.uk