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Acorn Arcade forums: Programming: Networking with RiscStation?
  Networking with RiscStation?
  Cauchy (18:02 27/9/2015)
  arawnsley (13:16 28/9/2015)
    Cauchy (19:35 28/9/2015)
John O'Meara Message #123711, posted by Cauchy at 18:02, 27/9/2015
Posts: 43
I go into the Configuration window by double clicking on !Boot of my RiscStation computer. I then select Network and the network configuration window opens; this window has three icons: 'AUN', 'Access' and 'Internet'; it also has a set box in it. I press this set button to get: "Message from Internet Not open for update". I have before hand set up the various IP addresses by Enabling TCP/IP Protocol Suite.
I then go into the startup file held in $.!Boot.Choices.Internet to discover that it is a blank text file. I enter some lines to it copied from my A7000+. Turn off and then on again the RiscStation, to see an empty 'startup' file. I change the startup file's type to Obey. And run !Internet to get an 'Error' message: file 'System:Modules.Network.etherX' not found. I am hoping that someone with an RiscStation may guide me on how to correct the 'Not open for update' message that I contiuly get every time I press the Set key. Thanking you for your time and help.
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Andrew Rawnsley Message #123712, posted by arawnsley at 13:16, 28/9/2015, in reply to message #123711
R-Comp chap
Posts: 598
Can't say that I've encountered quite this problem, but several things spring to mind.

Firstly, make sure that you haven't write-protected !Boot.Choices hierarchy - press menu over it and go to Access then Unprotected. Also ensure Owner read/write, Public read/write for that folder tree.

Next, make sure EtherX is in ROM and not unplugged. Press F12 and type *unplug for a list of unplugged modules. If EtherX is listed, do *rmreinit EtherX

I'm just a tad surprised it is EtherX that is mentioned, however. My recollection, which I admit is pretty fuzzy, is that RiscStation had a 10Mbit network card.

EtherX is the driver that came with Simtec's Net100 which we sold. I'd assume that was the driver for the 100Mbit chip, so a different Ether-something would apply to 10Mbit. However, I could be wrong on this.

Normally, soft-copies of the appropriate Ether modules live in !System.Modules.310.Network which are loaded during boot if later than ROM versions. One of the "gotchas" with RISC OS networking is that not having a version in there can prevent an ethernet card appearing in the InetSetup list of interfaces (or greyed out).

I'm not sure if this info is helpful, but those are my initial thoughts.
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John O'Meara Message #123714, posted by Cauchy at 19:35, 28/9/2015, in reply to message #123712
Posts: 43
Thanks very much.
The !Boot.Choices hierarchy was write protected. That worked it. And it uses etherS not EtherK or EtherX. I also did an *unplug, but all Modules were pluged in.
Thanks again.

[Edited by Cauchy at 20:22, 28/9/2015]
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Acorn Arcade forums: Programming: Networking with RiscStation?