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Acorn Arcade forums: Games: LEAF - game for A3010 released at last!
  LEAF - game for A3010 released at last!
  yogyog (14:23 12/11/2018)
Mike Futcher Message #124391, posted by yogyog at 14:23, 12/11/2018
Posts: 4

LEAF is a game for the Acorn Archimedes which I started in 98,
returned to and finished in 2003, never actually released, but
displayed at galleries until my A3010 disk drive got tired of touring.
After this it sat mouldering in a cupboard until I brought the disks
to the Risc Os London Show 2018 and Rob Coleman kindly restored it.
You can now download it and run it in an Archimedes emulator. I’ll be
looking into releasing physical copies for collectors and a version
for those running Risc OS on Raspberry PI’s shortly.

Download the game here: http://yogyog.org/leaf/

I hope this sort of new interests you.

I would like to hear feedback on this game.

[Edited by yogyog at 14:41, 12/11/2018]
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Acorn Arcade forums: Games: LEAF - game for A3010 released at last!