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Acorn Arcade forums: The Playpen: My former friend
  My former friend
  adrianl (23:58 5/4/2019)
  davidb (13:30 6/4/2019)
Adrian Lees Message #124483, posted by adrianl at 23:58, 5/4/2019
Posts: 1637
When I was at uni the web (http://www..) opened to me a world of information above and beyond the burgeoning Internet which had allowed me to reach like minds for perhaps the first time, outside of libraries and their books, where I lived as a child. It is a wonderful tool.

Now, it's all too often "Accept our cookies or go away"...let's be clear, I *do* pay for subscription services, and the few sites that I *do* frequently visit. I would rather pay financially.


A x

[Edited by adrianl at 09:19, 6/4/2019]
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David Boddie Message #124484, posted by davidb at 13:30, 6/4/2019, in reply to message #124483
Posts: 147
One way I deal with it is to visit the sites in a Firefox private browsing window and accept (some of) the cookies. I close the private window when I've finished reading, deleting the cookies.

Some sites don't like this, but I think that other publishers have learned to live with it.
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Acorn Arcade forums: The Playpen: My former friend