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Acorn Arcade forums: General: Latest / last Risc OS version for A3010/A3020
  Latest / last Risc OS version for A3010/A3020
  Jase71 (22:09 11/4/2023)
  richw (22:43 11/4/2023)
    CJE (12:47 20/4/2023)
      robheaton (13:36 22/4/2023)
        CJE (11:30 3/5/2023)
Jason Redmill Message #125414, posted by Jase71 at 22:09, 11/4/2023
Posts: 1
Hi all,
Ive just joined this forum but used to use Arcade back when I had my A5000/Risc PC over 20 years ago when it was a dial up BBS smile
Ive been away from the Acorn scene for a while now but have acquired an A3010 and an A3020, both of which have Risc OS 3.1.
I upgraded my Risc PC to Risc OS 3.11 (back in the day) and was wondering what the last / latest version of OS these machines have.


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Richard Walker Message #125415, posted by richw at 22:43, 11/4/2023, in reply to message #125414
Posts: 73
Officially, you have the latest version!

RISC OS 3.5 and later were only ever for Risc PC and A7000 machines.

On StarDot, there is a project to create a 'RISC OS 3.2', which is 3.1 plus a number of upgraded modules.
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Chris Evans Message #125428, posted by CJE at 12:47, 20/4/2023, in reply to message #125415
CJE Micros chap
Posts: 228
On StarDot, there is a project to create a 'RISC OS 3.2', which is 3.1 plus a number of upgraded modules.
Can you provide a thread title or a link please?
I searched on StarDot for 'RISC OS 3.2' and couldn't see anything I thought likely in the first 4 pages of results.
StarDot has so many great projects, (most of which do get finished) that it can difficult to find them all!

[Edited by CJE at 12:48, 20/4/2023]

[Edited by CJE at 11:29, 3/5/2023]
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Rob Heaton Message #125430, posted by robheaton at 13:36, 22/4/2023, in reply to message #125428
Posts: 76
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Chris Evans Message #125436, posted by CJE at 11:30, 3/5/2023, in reply to message #125430
CJE Micros chap
Posts: 228
Thanks Rob for the link. A very interesting project!
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Acorn Arcade forums: General: Latest / last Risc OS version for A3010/A3020