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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: Sine Nomine updates RiscOSM and Impact

Sine Nomine updates RiscOSM and Impact

Posted by Mark Stephens on 12:03, 25/4/2024 |

Sine Nomine have released updates for the Wakefield Show (where they will be doing a talk and exhibiting.

New releases of RiscOSM and Impact will both be available at the Show and demoed in the talk and on the stand.

There is better HTML export of tables in Impact, and RiscOSM gets better support for Cyrillic/greek fonts and better rendering of street names.

The AtoB  plugin for RiscOSM can now acquire photos via Reece plugin.

RiscOSM can be used from your own code and there will be some new python examples to play with. I am particularly interested in the Water Levels program which shows river and rain measurements from the Environment agency.

Sine Nomine 

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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: Sine Nomine updates RiscOSM and Impact