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Acorn Arcade forums: Test posts: www
  [mentat] (13:23 22/7/2002)
  Phlamethrower (16:49 22/7/2002)
    Phlamethrower (16:49 22/7/2002)
      [mentat] (17:10 22/7/2002)
        alpha (22:25 24/7/2002)
          [mentat] (09:46 25/7/2002)
            [mentat] (09:47 25/7/2002)
              andrew (10:28 25/7/2002)
                Phlamethrower (16:43 25/7/2002)
                  andypoole (21:46 17/8/2002)
                    law (00:39 18/8/2002)
                      alpha (01:10 18/8/2002)
                        law (10:46 18/8/2002)
                    Phlamethrower (19:16 18/8/2002)
                      law (21:01 19/8/2002)
                        alpha (09:22 20/8/2002)
                          law (22:54 20/8/2002)
                            alpha (00:28 21/8/2002)
                              alpha (00:28 21/8/2002)
                                law (16:32 27/8/2002)
                          Matthew (16:52 24/8/2002)
                            alpha (14:22 25/8/2002)
I don't have tourettes you're just a cun Message #16798, posted by [mentat] at 13:23, 22/7/2002
[mentat]Fear is the mind-killer
Posts: 6266




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Jeffrey Lee Message #16809, posted by Phlamethrower at 16:49, 22/7/2002, in reply to message #16798
PhlamethrowerHot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot stuff

Posts: 15100
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Jeffrey Lee Message #16810, posted by Phlamethrower at 16:49, 22/7/2002, in reply to message #16809
PhlamethrowerHot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot stuff

Posts: 15100
/me slaps tim round for writing a silly parser :P
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I don't have tourettes you're just a cun Message #16818, posted by [mentat] at 17:10, 22/7/2002, in reply to message #16810
[mentat]Fear is the mind-killer
Posts: 6266




http:// www



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Tim Fountain Message #16927, posted by alpha at 22:25, 24/7/2002, in reply to message #16818
Forum bod
Posts: 570
I've made some changes to the URL parser now, so hopefully you shouldn't be able to break it like that anymore.

*waits for you to all prove me wrong*
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I don't have tourettes you're just a cun Message #16953, posted by [mentat] at 09:46, 25/7/2002, in reply to message #16927
[mentat]Fear is the mind-killer
Posts: 6266
http: //



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I don't have tourettes you're just a cun Message #16954, posted by [mentat] at 09:47, 25/7/2002, in reply to message #16953
[mentat]Fear is the mind-killer
Posts: 6266







[Edited by [mentat] at 09:49, 25/7/2002]
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Andrew Message #16959, posted by andrew at 10:28, 25/7/2002, in reply to message #16954
HandbagHandbag Boi
Posts: 3439
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Jeffrey Lee Message #17002, posted by Phlamethrower at 16:43, 25/7/2002, in reply to message #16959
PhlamethrowerHot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot stuff

Posts: 15100
wwwwwwwwwwwwww ?
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Andrew Poole Message #18476, posted by andypoole at 21:46, 17/8/2002, in reply to message #17002
Mouse enthusiast

Posts: 5558
it's on the www.
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Dave Lawton Message #18481, posted by law at 00:39, 18/8/2002, in reply to message #18476
Posts: 14
I've just used Reply and quote.
This should have put

it's on the www.

above my lines, shouldn't it ?
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Tim Fountain Message #18482, posted by alpha at 01:10, 18/8/2002, in reply to message #18481
Forum bod
Posts: 570
When you use reply and quote you should see the previous post's text in the textarea surrounded by [ quote ] [ /quote ].
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Dave Lawton Message #18677, posted by law at 10:46, 18/8/2002, in reply to message #18482
Posts: 14
Nope just an empty box to type into :(
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Jeffrey Lee Message #18683, posted by Phlamethrower at 19:16, 18/8/2002, in reply to message #18476
PhlamethrowerHot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot stuff

Posts: 15100
it's on the www.
Works for me :P
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Dave Lawton Message #18759, posted by law at 21:01, 19/8/2002, in reply to message #18683
Posts: 14
It don't for me using Browse.
It's not Evilscript driven by any chance ?
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Tim Fountain Message #18774, posted by alpha at 09:22, 20/8/2002, in reply to message #18759
Forum bod
Posts: 570
No it's just plain HTML. However, I believe Browse has trouble with '&' in URLs, which is probably what's causing the problem. That's Browse being stupid, nothing I can do about that.
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Dave Lawton Message #18846, posted by law at 22:54, 20/8/2002, in reply to message #18774
Posts: 14
No it's just plain HTML. However, I believe Browse
has trouble with '&' in URLs, which is probably what's
causing the problem. That's Browse being stupid, nothing I
can do about that.
That's it, if I replace '&' with '&', then refetch the page
it works, although it's one long line instead of wrapping inside
the box. Is that why some of the forum topics are wider than
a 1024*768 page ?
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Tim Fountain Message #18847, posted by alpha at 00:28, 21/8/2002, in reply to message #18846
Forum bod
Posts: 570
Sounds like Browse is also doing strange things to the text wrapping in textareas. I've removed the wrap attribute (which didn't need to be there really), so let me know if that makes any difference.
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Tim Fountain Message #18848, posted by alpha at 00:28, 21/8/2002, in reply to message #18847
Forum bod
Posts: 570
And none of the forum topics should stretch a 1024x768 page. Can you give me an example?
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Matthew Somerville Message #18932, posted by Matthew at 16:52, 24/8/2002, in reply to message #18774

Posts: 520
No it's just plain HTML. However, I believe Browse has trouble with '&' in URLs, which is probably what's causing the problem. That's Browse being stupid, nothing I can do about that.
One thing you or the server-meister could do - alter PHP's configuration option arg_separator.input to ";&" which means both ; and & are treated as argument separators. Then generate your links using ; instead of & and avoid all the messiness of escaping &.

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Tim Fountain Message #18945, posted by alpha at 14:22, 25/8/2002, in reply to message #18932
Forum bod
Posts: 570
Yup that'd work, but would mean editing lots of code :).
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Dave Lawton Message #19014, posted by law at 16:32, 27/8/2002, in reply to message #18848
Posts: 14
And none of the forum topics should stretch a 1024x768 page. Can you give me an example?
Thank you to several people, there are now a number of examples
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Acorn Arcade forums: Test posts: www