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Acorn Arcade forums: Test posts: NS textareas
  NS textareas
  adrianl (13:37 20/4/2005)
  adrianl (13:38 20/4/2005)
    monkeyson2 (14:11 20/4/2005)
      adrianl (14:28 20/4/2005)
        jmb (00:05 26/5/2005)
          tlsa (11:35 16/7/2008)
            tlsa (11:36 16/7/2008)
              tlsa (10:32 19/7/2008)
                tlsa (09:11 22/2/2009)
                  tlsa (14:45 6/2/2013)
                    tlsa (15:23 6/2/2013)
Adrian Lees Message #64431, posted by adrianl at 13:37, 20/4/2005
Posts: 1637
Testing, testing, 1...2..3....
There once was an ungly duckling.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
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Adrian Lees Message #64432, posted by adrianl at 13:38, 20/4/2005, in reply to message #64431
Posts: 1637
Testing, testing, 1...2..3...

Pasted in from StrongED....

yay :)
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Phil Mellor Message #64433, posted by monkeyson2 at 14:11, 20/4/2005, in reply to message #64432
monkeyson2Please don't let them make me be a monkey butler

Posts: 12380

Time to implement a spellchecker? ;)

[Edited by monkeyson2 at 14:13, 20/4/2005]
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Adrian Lees Message #64434, posted by adrianl at 14:28, 20/4/2005, in reply to message #64433
Posts: 1637


Time to implement a spellchecker? ;)

I've been having real trouble with this keyboard lately :P
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JMB Message #65751, posted by jmb at 00:05, 26/5/2005, in reply to message #64434
Posts: 467


Time to implement a spellchecker? ;)

I've been having real trouble with this keyboard lately :P
*Only* that keyboard? :P </NS textarea test>
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Michael Drake Message #107869, posted by tlsa at 11:35, 16/7/2008, in reply to message #65751

Posts: 1097


Time to implement a spellchecker? wink

I've been having real trouble with this keyboard lately tongue
*Only* that keyboard? tongue </NS textarea test>
Woo! - Testing stuff.

(New text form selection stuff, cut/copy/paste/replace.)
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Michael Drake Message #107870, posted by tlsa at 11:36, 16/7/2008, in reply to message #107869

Posts: 1097
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec posuere, eros eu lacinia porta, nunc arcu bibendum turpis, a elementum nibh ipsum nec justo. Nunc ac diam eu pede tempus cursus. Maecenas eget lectus. Phasellus quam dolor, ultrices ut, feugiat et, porttitor quis, ante. Nulla gravida, moose, libero dolor sollicitudin lacus, quis tristique sapien sapien vitae justo. Suspendisse potenti. Integer quis metus. Sed risus. Integer ac nisi. Maecenas purus sem, blandit in, auctor sed, vulputate sed, mauris. Donec in magna eget justo placerat rutrum. Nam placerat, enim dictum semper porta, ipsum augue fringilla lorem, quis fringilla erat sem ac odio. Nam enim pede, lobortis ac, eleifend euismod, sagittis sed, elit. Donec vel felis non dui pharetra placerat. Duis pretium velit a nisl. Morbi et velit eget est suscipit iaculis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Duis gravida quam sagittis velit. Donec tristique, erat ac posuere molestie, neque lectus ornare magna, in volutpat arcu leo id libero. Etiam rutrum bibendum felis.

Cras nulla. Ut a mauris non dolor blandit ultricies. Donec mollis volutpat lorem. Mauris pharetra accumsan arcu. Duis nec nunc at dui iaculis condimentum. Vestibulum magna nisi, cursus vitae, dictum id, cursus a, enim. Praesent vitae nisi. Vestibulum porttitor augue ut sapien. Suspendisse nec ligula. Cras blandit leo suscipit pede.

Nunc commodo laoreet ipsum. Phasellus non tortor. Nulla semper rhoncus metus. Nulla facilisi. Cras non velit ut sem pharetra sagittis. Praesent in nibh nec felis ullamcorper ornare. In sit amet est. Maecenas purus pede, ultricies et, tristique fermentum, ultrices eu, dui. Duis luctus sem vitae ipsum. Ut diam. Etiam odio odio, laoreet a, volutpat ut, suscipit sit amet, nunc. Maecenas fermentum, sem vel tempor semper, nisi elit dapibus tellus, sed ullamcorper justo felis in elit. Morbi porttitor. Ut porttitor risus vitae erat. Duis nisl massa, eleifend at, malesuada eget, placerat eget, odio.

Aliquam lorem. Morbi turpis pede, viverra rhoncus, sagittis eget, condimentum vitae, massa. Sed dignissim justo eu risus. Ut eget magna. Ut ullamcorper ultrices lectus. Sed tristique, leo nec consectetuer gravida, arcu lacus tristique ante, id sollicitudin orci felis fringilla neque. Morbi mi. Pellentesque vestibulum condimentum nulla. Integer dictum nulla sit amet urna. Vestibulum elit. Nullam odio. Proin ac nibh. Donec et sapien. Nam id nibh. Suspendisse posuere, pede a commodo dictum, lacus lorem pulvinar justo, vel commodo lacus nunc ac odio. Aenean pede lorem, commodo in, tincidunt vitae, rhoncus in, dui. Phasellus posuere ipsum at tellus. Vestibulum malesuada ante at odio.

[Edited by tlsa at 11:37, 16/7/2008]

[Edited by tlsa at 11:38, 16/7/2008]
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Michael Drake Message #107874, posted by tlsa at 10:32, 19/7/2008, in reply to message #107870

Posts: 1097
More testing.

Edit: Woo! ctrl+u, ctrl+delete, ctrl+end all behave!

[Edited by tlsa at 10:37, 19/7/2008]
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Michael Drake Message #109388, posted by tlsa at 09:11, 22/2/2009, in reply to message #107874

Posts: 1097
Another test...

[Edited by tlsa at 11:50, 28/9/2011]

Back again...

[Edited by tlsa at 20:00, 11/10/2012]

And again.

[Edited by tlsa at 15:41, 7/2/2013]

And more textarea testing (pretty major desktop/textarea.c changes).

[Edited by tlsa at 22:00, 17/3/2013]
Text3 5bytes

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Michael Drake Message #121879, posted by tlsa at 14:45, 6/2/2013, in reply to message #109388

Posts: 1097

Edit (paste test):

Small as a mouse, fast as a cheetah and available for free. NetSurf is a multi-platform web browser for RISC OS, UNIX-like platforms (including Linux), Mac OS X, and more.

Whether you want to check your webmail, read the news or post to discussion forums, NetSurf is your lightweight gateway to the world wide web. Actively developed, NetSurf is continually evolving and improving.

[Edited by tlsa at 14:46, 6/2/2013]
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Michael Drake Message #121880, posted by tlsa at 15:23, 6/2/2013, in reply to message #121879

Posts: 1097

Edit (paste test):

Small as a mouse, fast as a cheetah and available for free. NetSurf is a multi-platform web browser for RISC OS, UNIX-like platforms (including Linux), Mac OS X, and more.

Whether you want to check your webmail, read the news or post to discussion forums, NetSurf is your lightweight gateway to the world wide web. Actively developed, NetSurf is continually evolving and improving.

[Edited by tlsa at 14:46, 6/2/2013]
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Acorn Arcade forums: Test posts: NS textareas