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Acorn Arcade forums: Games: Sorry I wanted a clean sweep of the forums AND!!!!!!!.......
  Sorry I wanted a clean sweep of the forums AND!!!!!!!.......
  [Steve] (00:25 6/11/2000)
  rich (11:25 7/11/2000)
    rich (11:27 7/11/2000)
      [Steve] (18:57 7/11/2000)
Steve Allen Message #86508, posted by [Steve] at 00:25, 6/11/2000
AA refugee
Posts: 56

Is it just me or is it a bit tricky - walkthru anyone? or tips (ie the topic of this forum)

RiscPC SA & Duron 600@850
ICQ: 51028779

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Richard Goodwin Message #86509, posted by rich at 11:25, 7/11/2000, in reply to message #86508
Dictator for life
Posts: 6828
Tried looking into this once. Even asked Tom to help. Can't get past certain places, and Tom couldn't remember much.
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Richard Goodwin Message #86510, posted by rich at 11:27, 7/11/2000, in reply to message #86509
Dictator for life
Posts: 6828
Anyway, you haven't got a clean sweep, I don't see any of your posts in the Staff Only section tongue
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Steve Allen Message #86511, posted by [Steve] at 18:57, 7/11/2000, in reply to message #86510
AA refugee
Posts: 56
Git. unhappy

Make me moderator damn you!! I will erm... tell people to visit the site tongue

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Acorn Arcade forums: Games: Sorry I wanted a clean sweep of the forums AND!!!!!!!.......