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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: Descent II Preview

Descent II Preview

Posted by Richard Goodwin on 12:15, 9/2/2001 | ,
Word has it that RCI's next release will be a sequel to their 3D blaster Descent called, unsurprisingly, Descent II. We've put together a preview so that you can ask all the right questions at tomorrow's show...

Click here to see the preview

  Descent II Preview
  (14:42 10/2/2001)
  Rich Goodwin (15:04 10/2/2001)
    Mark Quint (16:57 10/2/2001)
      William McNee (17:28 10/2/2001)
        Nathan (12:59 11/2/2001)
          Andrew Weston (15:14 11/2/2001)
            William (19:21 11/2/2001)
              David McEwen (19:23 11/2/2001)
                Nathan (09:13 12/2/2001)
                  David McEwen (10:56 12/2/2001)
                    Nathan (23:35 12/2/2001)
                      David McEwemn (10:47 13/2/2001)
                        Andrew Weston (19:30 14/2/2001)
Andrew Weston Message #86904, posted at 14:42, 10/2/2001
Unregistered user I really wish they could have released F16. I think what we need is a new Flight Simulator and this looked just the ticket.
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Rich Goodwin Message #86905, posted at 15:04, 10/2/2001, in reply to message #86904
Unregistered user I think F16 is waiting for the hardware to run it. Once the Omega comes out I'm sure we'll be hearing an announcement...
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Mark Quint Message #86906, posted at 16:57, 10/2/2001, in reply to message #86905
Unregistered user Descent 2 isnt a bad game to add to the collection thou :)
one question though: how do they get their movies to run, and what format do they use, as its apparently going to work fine on RiscOs.
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William McNee Message #86907, posted at 17:28, 10/2/2001, in reply to message #86906
Unregistered user Thank God for RCI.
This is great news, as I thought the first game was pretty good.
I'm wondering how fast it will run on older machines, though.
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Nathan Message #86908, posted at 12:59, 11/2/2001, in reply to message #86907
Unregistered user You can correct me if I'm wrong but Descent 2 is extremely unlikely to run on anything less than an SA but the game stretches SA a bit too far at the moment. Maybe the new coder would be able to improve this situation since Jack Parkinson has now left the scene and sold his RPC.
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Andrew Weston Message #86909, posted at 15:14, 11/2/2001, in reply to message #86908
Unregistered user Really?
Did he write anything else?
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William Message #86910, posted at 19:21, 11/2/2001, in reply to message #86909
Unregistered user I don't know who Jack Parkinson is.
Sounds like the Omega might be ideal for this game, and I might be getting one later this year. However, I'll be buying the game anyway to run on my current SA machine.
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David McEwen Message #86911, posted at 19:23, 11/2/2001, in reply to message #86910
Unregistered user Jack had nothing to do with the Descent 2 port other than bits and pieces of the D1 code being used. As far as speed goes... the SA is the target, it may run on an ARM 7 acceptably with linear texture mapping and in a low res. Nothing lower than an ARM 7 though.
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Nathan Message #86912, posted at 09:13, 12/2/2001, in reply to message #86911
Unregistered user Jack did have something to do with it because RCI had to buy his machine for the source code.
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David McEwen Message #86913, posted at 10:56, 12/2/2001, in reply to message #86912
Unregistered user Yeah the source code to *Descent 1*!!!!
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Nathan Message #86914, posted at 23:35, 12/2/2001, in reply to message #86913
Unregistered user Wrong.
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David McEwemn Message #86915, posted at 10:47, 13/2/2001, in reply to message #86914
Unregistered user Nathan if you can tell me why I'm wrong, and produce evidence I would be interested. Since I'm doing the port (if that's not obvious already) I think I'm in a pretty good position to know what's going on. I don't care if you don't believe me... I know what I'm doing, I know what I'm working with. The only work of Jack's that I am using are bits and pieces of his D1 port. In future check your information before you post.
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Andrew Weston Message #86916, posted at 19:30, 14/2/2001, in reply to message #86915
Unregistered user They call him the 'Silicon Messiah'
This in itself is the evidence.
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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: Descent II Preview