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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: Review - Silver Ball

Review - Silver Ball

Posted by Jon Hall on 00:00, 30/10/2000 | , ,

Pinball action from the 4th Dimension. Reviewed by Jon Hall.


[Screenshot!]This is a pinball game, and forms part of 4D's 'value for money' range of budget games. It comes on 2 DD discs, and runs on any Acorn running RISC OS 2 or higher. A HD installer is included, and this is the preferred option as it takes ages to load from disc. No 'key' disc is required.
[Screenshot!]There are a total of ten quite nicely ray-traced tables to play and these vary in difficulty from a basic set-up to tables with many hidden features.

Things to be aware of are: Ball traps, Black holes, Bonus multipliers, Ball multipliers, Spin and magnetic effects. The F keys are used to select options, and controll is by keyboard or mouse. The sound effects are apparently taken from real pinball tables.

[Screenshot!]I found the game fun to play, and movement was smooth and responsive. It is quick on S/A, but not at all difficult to play. It's quite interesting playing with mouse control - hey, one handed pinball! But for a more "real" game, I would select the keyboard option. I liked the graphics a lot - much work and thought seems to have gone into them, and the sound is acceptable - some music might have improved the game's atmosphere - but this is a small complaint.

All in all, a fun game and worth investigating if you are a pinball wizard! At £12.00, it fits into the budget category.


To sum up

The good...
  • Price
  • Feels 'real'
  • Lots of features
  • Key disc not needed
...the bad
  • No music
  • Split screen can be destracting
  • Difficult to remember set-up keys


Rating: GOODRating: OKRating: GOOD


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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: Review - Silver Ball