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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: ArgoNet haven for terrorists?

ArgoNet haven for terrorists?

Posted by Richard Goodwin on 11:42, 5/8/2002 | ,
A bit of a silly season this one, but in case you didn't know NTK points out that since August 1st the RIP bill is in effect, which means that ISPs are supposed to be snooping on their users traffic. Unless...
(3) The obligations in Part II of the Schedule shall not apply to service providers who -
(a) do not intend to provide a public telecommunications service to more than 10,000 persons in any one or more parts of the United Kingdom and do not do so
Now, the exact figures for ArgoNet subscriptions isn't available, but I'm pretty sure (given that I work in the same office) it doesn't extend to 10,000 customers. So if you want a bit of privacy... :)

Okay, it's a flippant way to introduce a serious subject, so if you want more info follow the links.

Source: NTK

  ArgoNet haven for terrorists?
  Phlamethrower (19:06 5/8/2002)
  ToiletDuck (19:57 5/8/2002)
    Revin Kevin (21:37 6/8/2002)
      tribbles (09:02 7/8/2002)
        rich (14:58 7/8/2002)
          tribbles (09:12 8/8/2002)
            tribbles (09:12 8/8/2002)
              rich (13:40 8/8/2002)
                andrew (15:15 8/8/2002)
                  tribbles (16:44 9/8/2002)
Jeffrey Lee Message #91213, posted by Phlamethrower at 19:06, 5/8/2002
PhlamethrowerHot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot stuff

Posts: 15100
*slaps RIP bill around a bit*
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Mark Quint Message #91214, posted by ToiletDuck at 19:57, 5/8/2002, in reply to message #91213
Ooh ducky!Quack Quack
Posts: 1016
^ with a trout :o
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Kevin Wells Message #91215, posted by Revin Kevin at 21:37, 6/8/2002, in reply to message #91214
Posts: 644
Kick Tony Blair in the Gonads.
But he hasn't got any.
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Jason Tribbeck Message #91216, posted by tribbles at 09:02, 7/8/2002, in reply to message #91215
Captain Helix

Posts: 929
But since ArgoNet is a Pipex reseller, and I'm pretty sure that Pipex have more than 10,000 customers, then Pipex would be doing the monitoring...
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Richard Goodwin Message #91217, posted by rich at 14:58, 7/8/2002, in reply to message #91216
Dictator for life
Posts: 6828
Apart from the modems ArgoNet doesn't use Pipex's infrastucture though, so it would depend on where the monitoring takes place. It couldn't happen on the mail server for instance, which isn't on Pipex's network.
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Jason Tribbeck Message #91218, posted by tribbles at 09:12, 8/8/2002, in reply to message #91217
Captain Helix

Posts: 929
True - I was more wondering about the WWW activity, which would use Pipex infrastructure.
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Jason Tribbeck Message #91219, posted by tribbles at 09:12, 8/8/2002, in reply to message #91218
Captain Helix

Posts: 929
But apart from getting explosive recipies, how many terrorists would be surfing?
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Richard Goodwin Message #91220, posted by rich at 13:40, 8/8/2002, in reply to message #91219
Dictator for life
Posts: 6828
Most ArgoNet www pages aren't on Pipex: some user pages are, but they're about to move (allegedly, when WebLoad 3 gets released); all domain and FTP access (even for some non-domain users) is on the same machine as mail.

And as for what would terrorists do, how about swapping instructions via email? Or via steg information in a JPEG on an unassuming-looking website? Or FTPing blueprints to a private directory in their webspace? Or... well, you get the idea.

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Andrew Message #91221, posted by andrew at 15:15, 8/8/2002, in reply to message #91220
HandbagHandbag Boi
Posts: 3439
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Jason Tribbeck Message #91222, posted by tribbles at 16:44, 9/8/2002, in reply to message #91221
Captain Helix

Posts: 929
Okay, time to clarify my thoughts again ;-)

It's people's surfing activity while connected through Pipex.

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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: ArgoNet haven for terrorists?