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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: Argonet closes its doors

Argonet closes its doors

Posted by Andrew Poole on 20:39, 15/7/2005 | , , , ,
Paul VigayThis morning, Argonet turned off its ISP services to all customers who haven't yet moved to alternative ISPs. Dialup access was turned off early this morning as was web hosting. Email will remain working for a few more days to allow people to fetch email from another ISP.

Because Orpheus Internet have secured the use of the domain, anyone who had websites or email hosted on argonet.co.uk can contact Paul to arrange for these to be forwarded to your new addresses.

Paul also asks for any users trying to contact Orpheus technical support to "persevere if you have difficulty getting through" as "the Orpheus technical support phones are very busy at the moment." He is, however, aiming to deal with everyone as soon as he can.

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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: Argonet closes its doors