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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: Evolution - main demos

Evolution - main demos

Posted by Alex Holloway on 00:00, 14/11/2001 | , ,
Here are all the Evolution entries available for download although you'll need to buy a copy of February's Acorn User magazine in order to vote in the competition.
And yes this review page is in order. And I don't mean alphabetical.


By Reactive
Rating: OK
Here we go then with the first of Evolution and it does have to be said that Reactivity is not up to the standard set by the others. That said it is still worth the download and not bad in its own right. The Evolution focus is very 3D and there's lots of that in here: landscapes, models - look out for the rotating radioactive symbol, the best part of the demo. The music's worth a listen too.
Problems? Well the textures on the objects could have been better. Oh, and the Doom/Descent type section sucks. But apart from that...


By Divine Nature
Rating: GOOD
Perhaps the most widely publicised of the Evolution demos this, and from a new demo group too, the pressure was on and Divine Nature have pulled it off pretty well - a very respectable first effort. Eden starts off with a water-droplets effect, before kicking into tunnel effects, stars and a somewhat wobbly landscape... all the usual stuff's in here. Enjoy - I certainly did.


By Kulture
Rating: COOL
Well the ratings are high... Kulture's entry is, as you'd expect, stunningly presented, and the addition of some great coding makes this in my opinion the group's first Big Hit. In other company this would have been a winner. 3D shapes, stretch and distort, a great landscape, bump mapping and more.
This one definitely ranks among the top 10 Acorn demos of all time, even though it isn't in the Top 5. Way to go Kulture. Except I thought the music in their previous demo, Freestyle, was better.


By The Nutters
Rating: COOL
Zero... well they're not referring to the megabyte count. The second largest Acorn demo (after Xtreme, and not far behind). It'd better be worth the download. But what do you expect from the group who's first effort was the excellent Fluoro?
Well I'm happy to say they've surpassed that one. Zero has class by the bucketload, starting off with a film-clips countdown before launching into all manner of effects. Look out for the plasma tunnel and of course the obligatory landscape and 3D objects. The pacing is good apart from a couple of slight glitches and slow moments. Respect! The music is perhaps a little restrained though. It's a close run thing and I very nearly gave this one a second place in the all time rankings. TXP's Era is, I'd say, just slightly better though. I wouldn't be surprised if this one gets voted Evolution winner in the Acorn User poll.



Rating: COOL
Well what can I say. I wouldn't be surprised if Zero ends up getting voted top Evolution demo, but K2 is a real stunner. In my opinion this 3D graphics extravaganza thoroughly deserves to be crowned the best Acorn demo of all time. Download it and make sure you've got a support ready to catch your lower jaw. K2 is bright, brash, in-your-face, in fact it's psychedelic enough to have me thinking Drugs Drugs Drugs at points. (No offence meant!!) DFI have really got the wow-factor right here. Look out for the glaring lights, the wildly coloured tunnel, and three cylinders that rotate and twist round each other to form a helix. Amongst lots more.
Well comments have been made already about the framerate. But it doesn't matter. Zero gets almost as jerky in places and K2 runs in a much higher screen resolution. While the movement isn't totally smooth, K2 is by no means slow, and considering the resolution and colour depth it's impressive. If you haven't yet, click that download button. Now. And overclock your StrongArm while you're about it.


There were a few screenshots "left over", so if you want to see more, take a look in the directory.
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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: Evolution - main demos