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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: Gerph's live coding session on Youtube

Gerph's live coding session on Youtube

Posted by Mark Stephens on 11:38, 17/6/2024 |

Over the weekend, Gerph ran a live coding session on Youtube porting a GitHub project to RISC OS.

I have not had a chance to watch it all yet (it's nearly 4 hours long), but if you want to see how to port an application to RISC OS (or just watch a really top coder in action), you can watch it here.

I hope Gerph will do another session soon....

  Gerph's live coding session on Youtube
  gerph (12:30 18/6/2024)
  richw (15:42 19/6/2024)
    gerph (17:05 24/6/2024)
      gerph (17:06 24/6/2024)
Charles Justin Ferguson Message #125649, posted by gerph at 12:30, 18/6/2024
Posts: 48
Thanks to all who came along!

It was quite fun. I've been asked if I'd do a cut down version that's not quite so long... I'm not sure that would be all that much shorter - even cutting out some 'ums' and dithering, and the mid session intermission. It might be useful to include some timestamps of where things were done, though, so I might give that a whirl.

This was something that I've been wanting to do for a while, and finally got around to. I've learnt quite a lot about how the streaming software works, and what works with the chat. I've already found a couple of features that would have helped with this if I'd known them, so I'll be better prepared next time.

I'm hoping that I'll do another one in about 2 weeks time - on Sunday 30th, starting at 1pm. I think that's probably pretty good as a time to do it.

If anyone has any thoughts, or comments, please let me know. It's all a learning process about what works and what doesn't.
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Richard Walker Message #125650, posted by richw at 15:42, 19/6/2024, in reply to message #125649
Posts: 73
I generally don't do 'live' for anything, but had a flick through the recording yesterday. Most interesting.

I like the very practical nature of the problem: find some useful open source software, do a quick port, then dress it up with a suitable RISC OS interface (in this case, the Debugger SWIs). In fact, it's quite similar to my USBJoystick module in that respect: although I knew only a tiny drop of C, and even less about USB and RISC OS modules. smile

It was also very good how you embraced source control, using git as you went, and even pushed to GitHub during the session, so anyone could follow the code live. That's probably the most accessible thing I've seen in the world of RISC OS.

It would be interesting to see how viable a similar process is from 100% within RISC OS, using the new beta git client and StrongEd etc. I appreciate that everyone has their preferred environment, so this might be a job for someone else.
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Charles Justin Ferguson Message #125651, posted by gerph at 17:05, 24/6/2024, in reply to message #125650
Posts: 48
It was also very good how you embraced source control, using git as you went, and even pushed to GitHub during the session, so anyone could follow the code live. That's probably the most accessible thing I've seen in the world of RISC OS.
The develop-commit-push isn't always the best way to do things, especially if you've made mistakes, but it worked well here - anyone wanting to see it, as you say, can see what happens as it happens.

It would be interesting to see how viable a similar process is from 100% within RISC OS, using the new beta git client and StrongEd etc. I appreciate that everyone has their preferred environment, so this might be a job for someone else.
Absolutely, that would be interesting! I have my own way of working which is different from other people. One important thing, though, is that the process of developing doesn't change. Editing code, building, referring to the documentation, making mistakes... those are all things that you do in RISC OS world as well, so should be entirely transferrable.
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Charles Justin Ferguson Message #125652, posted by gerph at 17:06, 24/6/2024, in reply to message #125651
Posts: 48
... and also, I can confirm that I will be doing the next session on 30th June, 1pm - if anyone wants to come along! big smile
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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: Gerph's live coding session on Youtube