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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: Lego Madness

Lego Madness

Posted by Chris on 15:18, 21/2/2010 | , , ,
Ever since Jeffrey Lee began work on porting RISC OS to developer boards such as the BeagleBoard and IGEPv2 there's been interest in putting a case around them to make them into proper computers. Both ports are still firmly in progress, so a finished-off A9-style computer isn't likely to appear for some time. That hasn't stopped some hobbyists having a go at making their own. This one looks particularly impressive:

There are more pics and description here on the ROOL forums. The nutBOX comes hot on the heels of Dave Thomas's lego housing for his IGEPv2 here, first reported on riscos.info.
There's still some way to go before the RISC OS OMAP port is stable enough to drive a general purpose computer suitable for everyday use, but in the meantime, plenty of people are having fun with what already exists...
  Lego Madness
  trevj (09:41 22/2/2010)
  trevj (13:37 10/5/2012)
    andypoole (14:12 10/5/2012)
      trevj (15:33 10/5/2012)
Trevor Johnson Message #113480, posted by trevj at 09:41, 22/2/2010
Posts: 660
If anything like this is going to be on show at Wakefield, I hope the WROCC committee have some success with arranging press/media coverage smile
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Trevor Johnson Message #120328, posted by trevj at 13:37, 10/5/2012, in reply to message #113480
Posts: 660
"The case is quite easy: the Pi fits into seven splots by eleven splots, and to allow for the the USB and LAN ports we need it to be three bricks high."

(Are they really called splots?)
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Andrew Poole Message #120332, posted by andypoole at 14:12, 10/5/2012, in reply to message #120328
Mouse enthusiast

Posts: 5558
"The case is quite easy: the Pi fits into seven splots by eleven splots, and to allow for the the USB and LAN ports we need it to be three bricks high."

(Are they really called splots?)
Holy ancient thread resurrection, Batman!
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Trevor Johnson Message #120337, posted by trevj at 15:33, 10/5/2012, in reply to message #120332
Posts: 660
Holy ancient user resurrection, Batman!

[Edited by trevj at 15:35, 10/5/2012]
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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: Lego Madness