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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: Mamie Fletcher’s House released

Mamie Fletcher’s House released

Posted by Mark Stephens on 08:20, 7/12/2021 |
There seems to be quite be quite a renaissance of games on RISC OS at the moment. Although Rick Murray did not have a stand, his new game was being demonstrated on several stands.

Mamie Fletcher is a platform game with 22 levels of fun and assorted monsters. It can be played via keyboard or mouse. It makes use of Amcog games RSDP for sound effects and also used AMPlayer for the theme music. A Pi2 or above is recommended. It also boasts a female hero character!
If you like platform games for just want a break over xmas, it looks like a great bargain.
We hope Rick is already working on the sequel!
You can find out more on Rick's website and the game can be purchased on !Store for 4.99 pounds.
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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: Mamie Fletcher’s House released