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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: March 2024 News Summary

March 2024 News Summary

Posted by Mark Stephens on 07:03, 29/3/2024 |

Some things we noticed this month. What did you see?

StrongED 4.69f14 now available

ROD announces public beta  of the Wifi and Network Manager components for its TCP/IP stack has now gone live

Amcog have released Wizard Lore on PlingStore and will have a new RPG game called Light Gate to release at Wakefield Show.

Free Toolbar app  is updated to 1.22 (first update for a decade).

Impact 3.69 released

TimPlayer module 1.29 available to fix some issues.

  March 2024 News Summary
  Kevsoft (16:06 29/3/2024)
  arawnsley (23:27 29/3/2024)
    nytrex (11:16 30/3/2024)
      riscosbits (14:58 30/3/2024)
Kevin Wells Message #125606, posted by Kevsoft at 16:06, 29/3/2024
Posts: 40
StreetFix has been updated to version 1.07 which you can read here to see what is new in it.
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Andrew Rawnsley Message #125607, posted by arawnsley at 23:27, 29/3/2024, in reply to message #125606
R-Comp chap
Posts: 596
Pinebook Pro Wifi and NVMe beta program went live this month.
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Alan Robertson Message #125608, posted by nytrex at 11:16, 30/3/2024, in reply to message #125607
Posts: 111
Seeing NVME and Wi-Fi become available to RISC OS users within the last 60 days has been nothing short of amazing.

So good to see all the hard work being delivered to end users so they can benefit from some great technologies.
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RISCOS Bits Message #125609, posted by riscosbits at 14:58, 30/3/2024, in reply to message #125608
Posts: 30
We've recently updated our FreeNVMe drivers and now have access to a formatting tool developed especially for FreeNVMe for 4K sector NVMe drives, allowing users easy means of using up to 2TB drives directly under RISC OS.

Have a look at https://www.riscosbits.co.uk/nvme for details
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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: March 2024 News Summary