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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: RISC OS quiz of the year 2006

RISC OS quiz of the year 2006

Posted by Phil Mellor on 18:30, 24/12/2006 | ,
I hope you've been paying attention, because it's time for our RISC OS quiz of the year.
  RISC OS quiz of the year 2006
  tribbles (20:07 24/12/2006)
  Richard Hallas (22:25 24/12/2006)
  VincceH (23:26 24/12/2006)
    TimDWest (11:30 26/12/2006)
      filecore (13:52 30/12/2006)
        monkeyson2 (18:37 30/12/2006)
          ad (19:01 30/12/2006)
            filecore (21:29 30/12/2006)
              monkeyson2 (22:05 30/12/2006)
              Phlamethrower (23:58 30/12/2006)
Jason Tribbeck Message #96257, posted by tribbles at 20:07, 24/12/2006
Captain Helix

Posts: 929
Err - I think if you'd said "None" to the issues of Quercus were published in 2006, some people would believe it :)
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Richard Hallas Message #96260, posted by Richard Hallas at 22:25, 24/12/2006, in reply to message #96257
Posts: 13
I'm most flattered to be featured in question 1! Thanks, guys! :-)
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VinceH Message #96264, posted by VincceH at 23:26, 24/12/2006, in reply to message #96257
Lowering the tone since the dawn of time

Posts: 1600
I got a whopping 4 out of 10. Woo! Phear my supreme knowledge and memory of all things RISC OS. Or something.
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Tim West Message #96270, posted by TimDWest at 11:30, 26/12/2006, in reply to message #96264
Posts: 1
I was somewhat surprised to get 7/10 (I got 5, 6 and 10 wrong).
Easily pleased :)
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Jason Togneri Message #96368, posted by filecore at 13:52, 30/12/2006, in reply to message #96270

Posts: 3867
I got 3/10, and those were mostly guesses, but to be fair it's more of a TIB quiz than a RISC OS quiz. Most of the questions were about the cool people in the current TIB/RO scene, and I don't care about the people so much as the product. Badly named.
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Phil Mellor Message #96387, posted by monkeyson2 at 18:37, 30/12/2006, in reply to message #96368
monkeyson2Please don't let them make me be a monkey butler

Posts: 12380
I don't care about the people so much as the product.
What a refreshing outlook on life you have... ;)
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Andrew Duffell Message #96388, posted by ad at 19:01, 30/12/2006, in reply to message #96387

Posts: 3262
I don't care about the people so much as the product.
What a refreshing outlook on life you have... ;)
I hope he's never my boss ;)
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Jason Togneri Message #96390, posted by filecore at 21:29, 30/12/2006, in reply to message #96388

Posts: 3867
I don't care about the people so much as the product.
What a refreshing outlook on life you have... ;)
I hope he's never my boss ;)
Think context. I like using RISC OS. I've used it for many years. I enjoy the games, I like the programs. I don't care about the personal opinions and antics of the people who make these things. It's like when people get all fired up about Bill Gates and Steve Jobs - all fine and well in its place, but hardly relevant to the specifics of the product (or the hardware). I doubt a similar quiz on Windows or Mac OS would have such questions. It's yet another indicator of the direction the RISC OS scene is heading.
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Phil Mellor Message #96391, posted by monkeyson2 at 22:05, 30/12/2006, in reply to message #96390
monkeyson2Please don't let them make me be a monkey butler

Posts: 12380
I don't care about the people so much as the product.
What a refreshing outlook on life you have... ;)
I hope he's never my boss ;)
Think context. I like using RISC OS. I've used it for many years. I enjoy the games, I like the programs. I don't care about the personal opinions and antics of the people who make these things. It's like when people get all fired up about Bill Gates and Steve Jobs - all fine and well in its place, but hardly relevant to the specifics of the product (or the hardware). I doubt a similar quiz on Windows or Mac OS would have such questions. It's yet another indicator of the direction the RISC OS scene is heading.
Good grief, I think you're taking a lighthearted quiz a little too seriously!

I don't understand your problem with this at all.

If you really want questions about the colour of the Draw pencil and the last modified date of MessageTrans then I'll think about writing one, but I doubt it will be much fun to play.

I'm also fairly sure that a quiz about gaming would include Sony's "giant enemy crab" speech at E3, a quiz about Apple would mention Steve Jobs' stock options, and one about Microsoft would remind us about Steve Balmer throwing chairs.

One of the great things about the Acorn/RISC OS scene has been the community, and if you don't care about the people in it then I wonder why you're trying to be part of it.
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Jeffrey Lee Message #96404, posted by Phlamethrower at 23:58, 30/12/2006, in reply to message #96390
PhlamethrowerHot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot stuff

Posts: 15100
I don't care about the personal opinions and antics of the people who make these things.
Clearly! ;)
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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: RISC OS quiz of the year 2006