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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: Rancid OS

Rancid OS

Posted by Phil Mellor on 13:04, 5/4/2003 | , , , , , , ,
Rancid Aluminium screengrabThose with insomnia or a video recorder might want to watch late night Channel Four this weekend. Rancid Aluminium is a poorly rated British comedy thriller featuring gratuitous sex, violence and RISC OS machines - should go down well in the Playpen then. Apparently several A300s, A440s and an A5000 are seen in operation.

According to Colin Sutton, writing in the Wakefield RISC OS Computer Club's newsletter, "the machines were supplied by Uniqueway, with Paul Middleton [now of RISCOS Ltd] lurking under the desk operating the computers." Further details can be found in April and May 2000 issues of Archive magazine, where Paul explains the technicalities of using RISC OS computers in film production.

Rancid Aluminum (cert. 18) is on C4 at 2.25am Sunday night/Monday morning. More rare appearances of our favourite computers are listed in TIB's Media Watch section.

  Rancid OS
  (14:42 6/4/2003)
  Jonathon Ross (14:56 6/4/2003)
Barry Norman Message #92025, posted at 14:42, 6/4/2003
Unregistered user And why not?
  ^[ Log in to reply ]
Jonathon Ross Message #92026, posted at 14:56, 6/4/2003, in reply to message #92025
Unregistered user Because it's a weally good idea!
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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: Rancid OS