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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: Show Dates for 2023

Show Dates for 2023

Posted by Mark Stephens on 07:53, 20/10/2022 |
It its really good news to see 2 of our long-standing RISC OS Shows back for 2023 as in person events.

After a bit of a break since 2020, the South-West Show is on Saturday 25th February. This is taking place again at Arnos Manor Hotel (its home before Covid). This is a central location in Bristol which is easy to reach by car or public transport. Details should be appearing on their website.
The Wakefield Show returns to its usual date at the end of April. It takes place on 22nd April. Because it's usual Wakefield is still unavailable, it is taking place for the second year running in the Cedar Court Hotel Bradford. This is also really easy to reach. Advance details are already on their website.
Both Shows are taking place in Hotels, so you can book a room and make a weekend of it if you are travelling far. There is usually a good crowd of RISC OS developers in the bar/restaurant afterwards to chat...
  Show Dates for 2023
  AnimaL (09:48 20/10/2022)
  markee174 (11:57 20/10/2022)
Kev Smith Message #125346, posted by AnimaL at 09:48, 20/10/2022
Posts: 1
The link that should point you to the Wakefield show, sends you to details of the SW show.
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Mark Stephens Message #125347, posted by markee174 at 11:57, 20/10/2022, in reply to message #125346
Does all the
work around here

Posts: 146
Fixed. Thanks for flagging up.

Really good to see the SW Show have updated their website with the details as well.
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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: Show Dates for 2023