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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: Toy Chronicles Preview

Toy Chronicles Preview

Posted by Alasdair Bailey on 00:00, 27/11/1998 | , , ,

Toy Chronicles is a new game currently under development by the same Greek team who brought us Wizard's Apprentice. It is to be a 2D platformer and as with their previous offering, the graphics are going to be a high priority during development.

[Title Screen]

[Title Screen]

The above screenshots give some idea of the high quality of the work underway on the title sequences for the game. The in-game graphics are still being drawn but Bill Kotsias, the game's main author, assures me that they're all being rendered in the excellent TopModel2 3D drawing package.

Toy Chronicles is being programmed by a team of two at the moment, Bill has gained the assistance of Xrysidi Anna but no firm release date has been set. We'll bring you more info on this exciting project as it emerges.

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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: Toy Chronicles Preview