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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: Drag'n'Drop 12i2 edition reviewed

Drag'n'Drop 12i2 edition reviewed

Posted by Mark Stephens on 06:37, 23/3/2023 |
The Winter edition of Drag'n'Drop was released at the South West Show is now available to purchase from the website

Drag'n'Drop is a long-running quarterly RISC OS magazine published as a PDF file so you can read on any Computer system or print it out. It contains a lively mix of news, opinion, reviews, and includes software for you to type in.

The news section is always right up to date and includes links to websites. I always find the editor tries to look for lots of interesting bits I don't see elsewhere, such as ideas on cases for your new ARM laptop.
This month is 30 pages long with the usual mix of reviews and useful applications. FSIlots is a BASIC Desktop Application which allows for bulk file processing. Tem2Bas is another desktop application to convert Templates to BASIC Data statements. You also have a palindrome generator. All the code examples are carefully documented and explained. You can buy a version with the listings already typed in for you so you do not have to type in.
As usual these are several articles on programming. The Sound and Colour tutorial looks at using these commands across different generations of BBC hardware. The series on programming uses the Windows furniture we learned to create last time in some in some Windows. There is also more on converting Sinclair Basic games.
There are reviews for Desk Dock, Thumbs Up Voice recorder, the Star G640 Grpahics Tablet, Kindle Scribe and the book 'Acorn: A World in Pixels'
As usual, plenty of RISC OS related material to keep you entertained...
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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: Drag'n'Drop 12i2 edition reviewed